The Kiddo's First Day of Pre-School

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A/N: Timeskip! The kids are 2-3, tho all my american hens already knew that. Please help us, our education system is weird.


Ethan didn't want to go to preschool. Okay, maybe that's an understatement.

When you and Bryan took him, he saw some friends of his, who were equally unwilling to go.

"Ethan, are you sure you don't want to go? You already have friends here that you can play with."

"But I wanna stay home!"

"I know, buddy, I know, but the American education system says you have to be here."

"The American education system is horse shit."


[A/N: Did he stutter? Is he wrong? For once, no! That's my queen!]

"What? It doesn't work and it takes my child from me way too early!"

"Just because you're dumb doesn't mean it'll fail everyone...but you're not wrong."

"I'm still here, guys."

[A/N: Poor Ethan just witnessed A have a breakdown and Mrs. Versace admit to being wrong.]

You and Bryan stared at Ethan, who looked like he was about to cry. Then he did.

"I wanna go home!"

It broke your heart seeing him have a mini-tantrum, but you managed to keep it together.

However, Bryan couldn't. He was a mess. He tried to calm Ethan down, but seeing Bryan upset made him cry harder.

You weren't sure what to feel. Slightly embarrassed by the scene in front of you. Sad, to say the least, to see your husband and child crying. Mad at state and country laws for taking your baby away from you before he could even read-

[A/N: That sounds like CPS snatched him- they didn't, even if I don't trust A with babies, I know she'd fuckin' fight the bastard that took her kid from her-]

You crouched down so that you were eye level with Ethan, who still adamantly refused to let go of Bryan, wiping his tears away and scooping up the small boy and his even smaller backpack.

"Where are we going, mommy?"

"I'm taking you in. I promise I'll hold you for as long as you need, okay?"


Ethan sniffled, his almost-black eyes still watery and puffy from crying. His eyes and Bryan's eyes had never looked more similar than they did in that moment.

Bryan gave Ethan a quick hug, then went to go cry in the car.

[A/N: That hurt to write...even if I am disappointed in her for CHOOSING to go by "brytoxication" of all things when she was 19, I don't like the image of sad A. It makes me sad and I'm already depressed. Why does someone who's 13 years older than me decide my emotional state?]

Ethan looked over your shoulder while you talked with his teacher about what had been going on. The teacher let you and Ethan know that you could stay with him as long as he needed you.

He needed you for a few more minutes, then he looked down from over your shoulder and saw some of his friends.

"Mommy! Mommy! Put me down! I want to play!"

"How did you change your mind so fast?"

"I'm three...and daddy's kid. Can I get down, now?"

[A/N: My queen's a hyperactive disaster and I love her for it, but goDDAMNIT ARIEL-]

RPDR Preferences: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now