You watch their season of Drag Race

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According to Bryan, the look on your face when he fell was priceless

"Were you okay..?"

"You picked me up after I got eliminated."

"So I'm guessing you don't wanna talk about it?"

"...I hate you."

"You're a fucking liar."


He just huffed and leaned on your shoulder.

He sat and pouted for the rest of the episode.

Then he fell asleep.


You cried like a baby when you watched *the episode*

[A/N: I can't write it out, I physically can't do it. Get that fire exit door, I'm off. I'm not doing dis.]

"Why are you crying, what did I do? Should I turn it off-"

"Calm down...can I have a hug?"

"You're making me regret this."

"Uh, whoops..? Please don't-"

He kissed you, if anything, to prevent you from rambling


You were prepared to call Gio (Aquaria), just to cuss him out over the phone after watching untucked.

"Why are you like this?"

"Because I love you, don't judge me."

"I wasn't-"

"Shut up."


[A/N: Hah. Whipped.]


You felt sorry for baby Adore.

"That poor child..."

"I know..."

"Good god, you've come so far since then. Three albums and a major aesthetic change later-"

"And one kickass girlfriend."

You turned redder than a tomato and Dani laughed at the look on your face


You got jealous of Brooke when you watched season 11.


"Don't hurt me..."

He switched to season 10 just to distract you

"That didn't make it much better. Why did you do that?"

"I'm an idiot..?"

"Yes, yes you are. But you're my idiot."

"You're mad aren't you?"

"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed."


You felt sexually confused

"Are you sure that's you?"

"Pretty sure...are you okay?"

Y/N.exe has stopped responding *insert Windows Error sound here*

[A/N: We've all been there, pal.]

James was worried they broke you

If they did that, they did it a long time ago.


You contemplated if it was the same Farrah. Hell, the same Cameron

"You look different..."

"I didn't have my lips done."


And you call her a dumbass (I'm kidding, don't hurt me lol)

"Damn, I cried a lot..."

"You still do that."

She whacked you with a throw pillow

You ended up having a pillow fight through the credits


You screamed when you watched the finale

For obvious reasons

"I'm still just as proud of you now as I was then."

"You're gonna make me cry."


You hugged him to keep him from crying, when you really kept him from breathing

Nice one.


You had a hard time believing you were dating the same person.

"Jesus, you look different..."

"I know...who is that child?"

"I don't know...I don't know if I'm dating that same person..."

You both just stared, wide-eyed and dying inside

[A/N: Story of my life.]


When Kylie came out at the reunion, you about lost it.

You hugged her and cried.

"I'm so proud of you-"

She started crying, too.

Your kitten, who you named Coral (for the blanket you brought her to Kylie in), knew her mommas were sad, so she came and sat on your lap.

Even the cat started crying.


"Calm down, baby! Calm down!"


You were gonna send a few choice words to a certain castmate of your partner's

[A/N: We all know who, don't play dumb.]


"Fuck civility, no one follows it anyway."

"I'm hiding your phone."

Hera was much taller than you, so you weren't getting it anytime soon


You couldn't believe he sent himself home in the slightest.

You were together when it happened, but that didn't stop you from being as shocked as you were.

"You asked me out a week before filming this, and here I am only a few years later, still just as shocked."

"I don't blame you. The internet won't let me live it down, either."

"It's not that, it's just-"

"I know, I was dumb."

"You weren't. That was probably the smartest thing you've ever done."

[A/N: Perhaps it's because I'm a gemini and DeLa's a libra and I'm biased, but that was really awesome.]


When you watched the finale, you were both laughing and crying.

"'Come through'? Really? That was the first thing that came to your head?"

"I don't know why I did it. But, I'm proud of myself."

"You may not be the reigning queen anymore, but I'm proud of you, too."


"You have no room to talk."

You both burst out laughing.

RPDR Preferences: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now