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A/N (Rose):  Do not cry. If you do, don't blame me lol. Or do. I don't really care at this point. ANYWAY HAVE FUN BYE.


You may've looked and felt the most beautiful you ever had in your life, but you were terrified

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You may've looked and felt the most beautiful you ever had in your life, but you were terrified.

The amount of times you questioned if Bryan really wanted to do this wasn't healthy.

You ended up getting married, in the end though.

[A/N: Well done, I'm proud of you.]

Bryan was a sneaky lil' bastard and got your song to play for your first dance, which made you cry, but then you got started drinking, so it was all good

Bryan's mother cried, his father hugged you and Bryan just tried to keep everyone from having a breakdown.

It was a stressful experience, planning this wedding, and now that it was over, you wanted nothing more than to just take a nap.

You couldn't sleep though, once you got home, since someone decided it'd be a good idea to flip out over the fact you actually went through with it.

You knew you'd said it a lot, but...

Damnit, Bryan.


Andrew was a nervous wreck

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Andrew was a nervous wreck. When you came out and started walking down the aisle, you watched him look around frantically.

You thought he might've been looking for a way out and started crying. Then sobbing when he said his vows.

When you got home after the ceremony, you kept looking over at each other as you packed for your honeymoon.

Poor Andrew couldn't hold back tears anymore. He cried and cuddled you for a full hour. You could live with that for the rest of your life, minus the crying of course. You hated seeing him cry for any reason whatsoever.

Andrew was probably still in disbelief you'd agreed to marry him in the first place. I don't blame him for getting emotional.

Well, you were married now. Holy shit, that was weird to say...

RPDR Preferences: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now