Happy Birthday, Little Ones!

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A/N: It's go time, mother truckers.


Fun but kind of irrelevant fact: You were overdue by nearly two weeks and were *this* close to getting induced.

You didn't expect having your first child to be so...unusual. For example, your day was going as normal, and you weren't having contractions. You were fine.

Bryan left to film a virtual drag show at around 7:00, you hopped in the shower...

Then something happened.

You were washing your hair, then your water broke. Naturally, being a first time mother and not really knowing what was to be expected, you couldn't tell it wasn't just water from the shower running down your leg until you stepped out.

It freaked you out to say the least. You may've screamed, but that's neither here nor there. Apparently, Ariel was mid-performance when you called, telling the Vixens of Vera to pull her out as soon as possible.

Holy crap, this was it.

Bryan, well Ariel, was in a very panicked state. A state one would've described as, pretty much, mania. According to fellow performers, namely Volkie and Brooklynn, she kept freaking out everytime her phone went off.

Vickie sent you a picture of her breathing into a paper bag while being comforted by Volkie. She was a mess, putting it lightly.

[A/N: Was? I've seen things that suggest otherwise.]

Somehow, Bryan didn't get pulled over, having gone probably twice the speed limit on his way back.

You had been trying to sleep on the couch, since you were incapable of sleeping in your bed alone (thanks, separation anxiety), when you heard the door open.

Bryan stared at you for a full ten minutes before processing what was going on, and it may or may not have given you flashbacks to when you told him you were pregnant in the first place.

"I went twice the speed limit to get here. Are you proud?"

"Yes and no. Mostly no."

"I'll take what I can get. Do we go now, or-?"

"I think so, but, I'm going to take over driving if you even think about speeding."

"I don't think I should drive, then..."

"Wow, a rare smart moment, would you look at that..."

"That hurt."

"You don't know pain, Bryan Philip."

Bryan felt bad, so he hugged you tight the second you had a contraction.

To say he was about to lose the plot, not that he ever found it, was an understatement.

Your son wasn't even here yet, and here he was, about to give his old man a heart attack. The fetus apologized for that by kicking Bryan's hand.

That may've made matters worse and, again, almost given Bryan a panic attack, since it seemed to click (finally) that this baby was going to be here within the next forty-eight hours (preferably, anyway).

It was actually about 49 hours, but go off, complications.

Yep. You were in labor for over two days. And about to punch your husband in the face for freaking out the entire time.

There was one point where you accidentally kicked him in the balls while you were having a contraction, and he may've thrown up, but we're not going to talk about that.

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