The Older and Younger kids' relationship

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As previously established, the kids were thick as thieves. The twins adored Ethan and constantly wanted to walk with him into school holding his hands.

Bryan, being your resident dweebdad™, found it wholesome and had about a million photos as evidence for how cute his children were.

[A/N: Fuckin aye- I mean, A would be *that dad*. Let's hope, for multiple reasons (mostly because I don't trust her dogs with a baby or Chasity), it doesn't happen anytime soon because I don't think I'm ready for that-]

They would even say hi to his friends and play with the other babies amongst your network. But, no matter what, when it was time to leave without Ethan, Laurie and Nessa would almost always have a complete and total meltdown.

[A/N: Fucking hell-]

So yeah, the highlight of the twins' day would be running to Ethan when picking him up from school. Ethan gave everyone a hug after school, but Laurie and Nessa always took priority.

Bryan didn't appreciate coming in second. Now he knew how you felt, though, so I can't say it was all bad.

[A/N: Get bent, shrimp.]

Anyway, the twins were little cuties that Ethan couldn't help but spoil to the fullest extent a five year old could.

He gave his old stuffed animal, Turtle, to Laurie. She loved it.

[A/N: Of course she does-]

When Nessa felt like she had taken second place, Ethan carried her up to his room to look through his old baby clothes. Nessa had her own dinosaur onesie, so when she saw a shirt with a dinosaur on it, she knew she found what she wanted.

She then proceeded to wear the dino shirt for two days straight, being greatly upset when you had to take it to wash it.

You made up for this by getting her the exact same shirt in a different color. Whenever she was asked which dino shirt she wanted on the off occasion they were both clean, she would either say "dino shirt" or "Ethan's dino". Guess which one she preferred?

Point being, these girls loved their brother and their brother loved them.


Brielle's relationship with her sisters was an overall close one, especially as she got older and learned more.

She had them wrapped around her finger.

Seriously. If Brielle saw something she wanted, Avery would use her smarts and Heather would use her dimples to get you and Andrew to buy it for her.

It was, for the most part, cute to you. But seriously? They made Andrew look like he had willpower.

[A/N: Damn. Kinda true-]

Andrew found this adorable and couldn't help but say yes whenever the girls wanted to get something for Brielle.

What can I say? He loved those kids.

And he also doesn't have any ability to discipline them.

Or say no.

No boundaries for ABH.

They had given themselves that nickname upon watching Andrew use an Anastasia Beverly Hills makeup palette.

What about it?

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