First Holidays with the Kiddos

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A/N (Rose): This will be the first holiday celebrated with the kiddos, so it may not technically be their first. I had to do it like this because Dayna was in the NICU for months, Xavier and Noelle were born on Christmas and Christmas Eve, Ethan was born close to Thanksgiving, Hunter was born on day 2 of Hanukkah, Damien went home on Thanksgiving...ugh I hate it here. Anyway the kids will be older than six months old- 7 or 8 ish.

Also, if there are repeats, my bad dudes, I had to do it so the math would make sense. Also there are only so many holidays that I know of.


The first holiday you celebrated with Ethan was Father's Day! Ethan seemed to know what this meant, so when Bryan woke up in the morning, Ethan ditched his toys and babbled at his father.

"If you're trying to say happy father's day, I appreciate the effort."

Ethan simply smiled, reaching for Bryan to pick him up.

Bryan complied, not that it was possible to say no to the infant.

"Happy father's day. That baby is your present."

"He's the best present I could ask for."

Bryan kissed Ethan's cheek, causing Ethan to giggle nonstop. The kid was in a good mood, at least whenever Bryan was there.

[A/N: Can relate...8 times out of 10. 80% of the time, I love Ariel. 20% of the time, I'm fuckin scarred, luv x]

You didn't really celebrate in detail, but Ethan did scribble on a piece of paper and call it a card.

Ethan also spent most of the day cuddling Bryan, even opting to take his naps with him.

"He really loves you."

"Are you jealous?"

"A little. I only carried him for almost ten months and spent 49 hours trying to push him out. I do love seeing you together, though."

[A/N: That's a little...passive aggressive, Mrs. Versace...]

"I'm not sure what to say to that...but now I feel like I owe you one hell of a mother's day."

"You gave me him, that's good enough. I'd appreciate his first word being 'mama', but that's out of our control."

[A/N: All imma say is his first word ain't gonna be mama.]

"No matter what his first word is, I love him."

"Happy fucking Father's Day. I need a nap."

You snuggled up to the baby-free side of Bryan's chest and took an hour-long nap. It was amazing that you managed to get that much sleep.

You woke up to a smiling, but hungry baby, so you gave him a bottle.

What did you feed the other child, also known as your spouse? Taco Bell.

[A/N: Ariel's a literal fucking child, and I, a minor, am more mature than her, a 29 year old man. It's exhausting. I do be a simp though. Even if I was vibing and YouTube went "HEY ARIEL COVERED HERSELF IN HIGHLIGHTER TWO YEARS AGO" and I just wanted to sleep but noooooo Ariel just had to be a dummy.]

"Thank you."

"For what, the tacos?"

"And the baby. Tacos are good, but he's great."

Ethan smiled at his father, even wider after Bryan let him try some of the cheese off of his taco.

Ethan clapped his chubby hands in response to the cheese...and Rose can't blame him. Cheese was her first word.

RPDR Preferences: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now