Chapter 44|A Deadly Game

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The council stared me down from their perches. My mother's gaze was especially icy. Her aura was full of anger. Ever since meeting her again the fae side of my blood was gradually becoming more and more apparent, hence the auras. 

"We've decided to test your skill. Soldier, take off her cuffs." The big-wig, I had yet to find out his name, said. The Winter Soldier did as he was told, taking off my handcuffs. My magic surged back into my body. The spray of white freckles decorating my nose and cheeks glowed. The familiar buzz of magical energy returned. I let my dark blue magic circle around my hands in a burst of sparkles. I giggled as a few of the sparkles traced my nose. My eyes flicked over to the council, a bemused expression sat on my mother's face. Her soft features broke into a small smile.

I returned to my stoic expression, the inklings of a plan forming in my mind. "We would like to see what you can do, recruit." The leader commanded. My mother tossed a few seeds in front of me. I took a deep breath. I hadn't grown plants out of nowhere before, there was dirt, sunlight, and water giving them nutrients while I used my magic to coax them to grow to my will.

Dark blue magic spilled around the seeds as I sang the first few verses of a song Ave taught me. Plants love sea shanties, apparently. As I started the third verse the seedlings were rapidly unfolding into green little buds. The seedlings grew quicker as I poured magic into them, my energy dwindling. The plants sprang into fully grown dwarf maples, branches billowing into life. My mother grinned at me, pride painted in every inch of her face.

A wave of joy crashed into my chest. Who knew my mother's validation could feel so good? I caught myself and quickly tamped down the joy. It doesn't matter what my mother thinks of me. I stopped chasing after her love a long time ago. She stopped being my mom the day she left us. 

"Now for your next task, fight the Winter Soldier. It'll be a fun little game." The leader said, a grin growing on his wrinkly face. My heart skipped a beat as the Winter Soldier stepped toward me. The trunks of the dwarf maples bent down, forming into a circle. The fluorescent light gleamed off of his metal arm. The leader mumbled a few words, making the brown-haired man twitch. His eyes became cold and calculating, unlike a few minutes ago where our friendship was starting to bud. 

He charged toward me. I sidestepped, weaving a quick spell. A barrier formed between me and the metal man. The Winter Soldier's fist pounded into the shield, forcing me back. I swung a kick into diaphragm. He wheezed as the air was forced out of his lungs. Using the momentum of the kick, I went to punch him. He caught my fist with the metal arm, twisting it. I cried out in pain, both from the iron and the twist. Burns started to appear on my hand. I rocked my hips back and sent a flying kick toward his wrist. He let go of my hand. I let it dangle loosely at my side. I was pretty sure the wrist was broken, and burns covered the skin. Tears started to form in my eyes. I blinked them back. 

"Enough!" Mother yelled, just as the Winter Soldier grabbed my neck with his metal arm. A few burn marks laced the sensitive flesh. "Your daughter is weak, Jessamine. We were merely testing her." The leader remarked. "Your pet was going to kill her," Mother tamped down the anger in her voice, "she is much more useful to us and our cause, alive." With a flick of one of the council member's hand, a guard stepped forward with the handcuffs. I quickly weaved a spell, my time dwindling with each step. I sent a wave of magic toward the vague direction of Avengers Tower. It contained only one message, help

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