Chapter 32|We're Going on a Trip, On Our Favorite Rocket Ship

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A cool breeze ruffled my hair as I swung my backpack onto my shoulder. The whole team had been invited to the Harvest Fest in Stardust Grove. It was a festival that celebrated the ending of fall and the beginning of winter. Snowdrop had even let Thor and Loki bring a few guests. We were waiting on the concrete runway. It was the clearest area for the bifrost to deliver Thor's friends and Frigga. Loki noticed my anxiety at meeting his mother. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. Tourmaline stood beside me, wings folded against her back. Her scales shimmered under the morning light. The rest of the team were finishing loading up the quinjet. 

A beam of rainbow light shot from the sky. I raised my hand to shield my eyes. The light receded, revealing a group of Asgardians. Thor's friends rushed over and greeted him. Frigga sashayed towards Loki and me. "Hello Mother, how are you?" Loki hugged her. "Is this your lady?" She turned to me. "This is Thistle of Stardust Grove." I dipped into a low curtsy. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Queen Frigga." "You can drop the formalities, my dear." I nodded. Tourmaline stepped towards her and bowed. Frigga's eyes went wide. "This is my dragon, Tourmaline. She means you no harm." I explained. Frigga relaxed at my words, raising her hands to pet Tourmaline. 

The warriors set their eyes on me. "So this is Loki's lady he tells us about in letters." "My name is Thistle." The blond one stepped forward and took my free hand, his lips brushing up against my knuckles."That's Fandral," Loki said icily. I tore away from his grip.

"Sif sends her best regards, but some matters have come up that she has to attend to on Asgard." Frigga told Thor. He embraced his mom, then led us toward the quinjet. Peter and Marigold were sitting on the floor, playing checkers. Thor introduced the team to the asgardians and vice versa. Loki and I sat down at our usual spots. Tony and Natasha sat in the cockpit, ready to take off. 

We took off, Thor regaling his friends with tales of his adventures on Midgard. "And then Thistle drove her sword into the heart of the mighty beast!" I leaned against Loki, petting Tourmaline who was curled up on my lap. "Sounds like we'll have to test her skills on the field of battle!" Volstagg pumped his fist into the air. I rolled my eyes. "I was just defending New York City from the shadow wolves. It's not a big deal." Volstagg opened his mouth to protest, but I ignored him. Instead, I dug out a heavy leather book my cousin gave me on dragons. 

Stardust Grove rose on the horizon at dusk. Peter was pressed against the window, his enthusiasm rubbing off on Marigold. They had become great friends over the month from when we had rescued her from the clutches of HYDRA. He had helped her come out of her shell a lot, and I was grateful. After all, a good friendship could do wonders. 

We landed outside of the village, in a clearing of trees near the beach. A family of elves were collecting shells, the toddler chasing after a peryton fawn. We entered the forest, my feet skillfully avoiding any sticks or rocks. I always felt at home among the trees. Maybe it was the blood of the fae coursing through my veins. 

This time the guards let us through the gate without hesitation, seeing me and my dragon. They bowed, muttering "Princess Thistle." I raised my chin up, smirking. They did burn me with iron, after all. Once we got through the gate we stopped to admire the decorations. Carved pumpkins floated above the lamp posts, their candles lit with dancing flames. Cloth decorations were strung up. Elflings were running through the streets, giggling. Cirren exited the bakery, carting a large assortment of pies. My nose eagerly took in their scents. 

I continued leading the group towards the palace. A few elves would stop and stare, whispering among themselves. "Humans..." "The elders warn us against them." "You don't think they're like the fay, do you?" Peter looked hurt, but shook it off. Ave ran towards us, Amare trailing behind us, her skirt flowing behind her. Ave tackled me in a hug, then showed off the golden ring that decorated her finger. "Snowdrop officiated, we eloped since we didn't want a big ceremony." "Congratulations! May the stars bless your union." Amare caught up, bashfully showing off her matching ring. "Ave really wanted to tell you..." 

"Snowdrop sent us to retrieve you. She gave your guests suites in the royal wing." Ave beckoned us to follow her. We arrived at our destination, where Snowdrop was sitting at the fountain. Her eyes lit up as she saw me. She rushed over and engulfed in a hug, squeezing the air out of my lungs. "I can't breathe..." I choked out. Snowdrop let go, then introduced herself to the humans and asgardians. "I am Queen Snowdrop of Stardust Grove, please enjoy your stay." She gained her composure. Fandral bowed, pulling the same move he did on me. Snow raised her eyebrow in annoyance. Snowdrop clapped her hands together, shaking Fandral off of her and changing the subject. "Let me show you to your suites." 

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