Chapter 48|The Fairy

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A soft breeze rustled through my garden. I leaned against the trunk of the tree. The branches swayed under my weight. Natasha opened the door to the roof. "I thought you would be up here. What is the most poisonous thing you have?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"If I may ask, what is the purpose? Hyacinth causes mild irritation to skin, but it is toxic if ingested. However, if you're wanting something more potent, I suggest foxglove. It has been used as a heart stimulant in the past, of course I wasn't alive to see it considering it was two hundred years ago, although all of the plant is toxic. Although it only causes cardiac arrhythmia, which isn't all that fatal. If you want to go the heart route, I highly recommend oleander." Natasha's eyes widened at the information dump. My cheeks burned as I messed with the thistles braided into my hair. "That was very informative. I will go with the oleander." I nodded. "I'll have a vial to you soon." Natasha thanked me and left. I leaned back against the trunk of the tree and closed my eyes. 

I focused my magic around my body, imagining the kitchen. When I opened my eyes, I found myself sitting on the island counter top. Tony dropped his plate in surprise. I casually greeted him as I slid off the island. "I could've dropped my croissant." Tony grumbled. Peter burst out laughing from his spot on the ceiling. Tony and I both stared at him. "What? You just quoted a vine!" He defended himself. "You can speak to vines, too?" I asked, surprised. It was a rare skill among elves, but the ability to communicate with greenery was common among the faeries. "No... Vine is a form of entertainment, they're funny." Peter explained. I shrugged. "Eh, vines aren't great conversationalists anyway. They're horrible gossips."

"Captain Rogers requests your presence in the Interrogation room immediately. Peter Parker is to stay in the common floor until you are cleared. Please be in your super-suits." JARVIS announced. I focused my magic around my body, but didn't cast the spell. If there truly was a threat in the tower, I had to reserve my magical energy. I went to my room, putting on my nice elven clothes since I technically didn't have an uniform. I tugged up the finger less gloves around my wrists. My fingers curled around my bracelets. The cool metal soothed my anxiety.

I entered the interrogation room. Loki and Steve were already inside. A young person was sitting behind a desk. Golden, translucent wings were folded against their back. They were a fairy. "You must be Thistle, Queen Jessamine's daughter." They spoke with a light accent.

Steve crossed his arms. "What is your name?" The fairy's golden eyes flicked to him. "Khepri." Loki sniffed the air. Of course he would help, he was a living lie director. "Why did you try to break into the tower?" Khepri rolled their eyes. "First of all, I didn't exactly break in. You just have paranoid security guards. Now that I think about it, that makes sense, I guess." "Get to the point," Loki snarled. He stepped protectively in front of me. 

"Fine. I came here because I need help. When Jessamine declared herself queen, she partnered with HYDRA. I suspect you've heard of it. Life has been terrible under Jessamine's rule. Her so called partners are destroying our way of life, they only spread disease and hatred throughout nature. Also she exposed every magical settlement of elves and faeries who weren't working with her. She wants world domination, Thistle, this won't end well." Khepri explained. They looked at me with pleading eyes. Loki and I exchanged a glance. "They're telling the truth.  Would you be okay with me checking your memories?" Loki said. Khepri thought for a moment, then nodded. Loki tentatively stretched his fingers over their forehead. After a moment Loki retracted his hand. "You can unchain them." 

Steve uncrossed his arms. "Loki will show you to the common room, where you will wait while I have a quick meeting with the team." He announced. Loki rolled his eyes on getting the babysitting job. It's a good sign, my love. It means Steve trusts you. I told him mentally. I pressed a quick kiss to his lips and followed Steve out of the room to the meeting with the rest of the Avengers. 

Tony poured himself a cup of scotch before sitting down in his chair. "Man, I miss the days when I was the strangest thing in the world." I cocked an eyebrow. "Wasn't Steve technically given his science juice or whatever his was called before you were born?" Clint stifled a laugh. "Okay, so there is a fairy who wants to betray her country to join us. We can set up her lodgings on the floor with Thistle, Loki, and Marigold." Tony waved his hand in emphasis. "Then I guess that's settled." Clint retreated back to the vents. Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and dismissed the meeting. 


Today I got to study skulls in my Biology class and it made my goth heart happy. How was your day?

As always, love you <3 ~Author-chan

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