Chapter 18|In Sickness and In Health

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Tourmaline crashed into my room and jumped into my arms, which were hugging myself. Loki came right after, a tray in his hands. "I was bringing you lunch and then I heard screaming. Are you okay, Flower?" I took a deep breath. "I just had a bad dream, at least, I think it was a dream?" "What do you mean?" Loki set the tray down on my lap. "It seemed so real. There was a figure, and they knew about my life back in my village, and that was two years ago, and... I think whatever they were, I think they killed my aunt." I tried explaining. My throat hurt so much. "I've had dreams like that before, but I promise you, you're safe, Thistle. They can't hurt you here." Loki promised. I wrapped my arms around him, then broke away in a fit of coughs. 

Loki frowned and pressed his hand onto my forehead. "You feel extremely warm, do you feel okay?" I shook my head, then sneezed all over my lunch. "Yeah, you're sick. I'll go make you some tea." Loki said then left my room with the contaminated tray. I fought back another sneeze and nausea as I sank into my pillow. I could already feel a headache coming on. 

Loki returned with a mug of tea and placed it on my nightstand. I took a sip, then set the cup down. Lethargy swept over me. "You spiked it with medicine, didn't you?" The words tumbled out of my mouth. Loki smiled softly and tucked a strand of snowy hair behind my ear. "You found me out. Now rest, you'll feel better." I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes. 


Loki placed his cool hand on my forehead. "You've gotten worse these past few days." I heaved over in a fit of coughs. "Lokes, I'm not sure I will get better. I'm so sorry for not telling you." Pools of tears welled up in my eyes. "Flower, what do you mean?" He questioned, placing his other hand on my outstretched one. 

"Sometimes shadow wolves carry Moonfever, the one that hurt me, definitely had it." I pulled back my pile of blankets to show the red, scarred area on my stomach. "There's a cure, right?" He asked, worry apparent in his viridescent eyes. "There is, but I don't know it. To get the cure, I would have to go back to my village." I said. There was a heavy silence. "Thistle, you don't mean..." 

"If I don't get the cure, I'll die from Moonfever. If I go to my village I'll die because I'm banished." Tears glistened in both of our eyes. "No, Thistle, I can't lose you. It's been years, surely they could forgive you. You did nothing wrong." Loki squeezed my hand. "Elves are slow to forgive. My father committed treason, that doesn't go away." "Why should you have to pay for your father's mistakes? Please, I can't lose you." "Loki, I'm sorry." I said, then coughed up a bit of smoke.


Loki's POV

An icy hand gripped my heart. Thistle had fallen asleep, and was clearly getting worse by the day. I scanned my bookshelves, looking for a tome on magical illnesses. Moonfever, she called it. Maybe mother knew a cure... I plucked a book my mother had given me from the shelf. I flipped through the yellowed pages, but nothing close to Moonfever came up. I cursed under my breath. Bringing her to the healers on Asgard would be a mistake, as I was banished from my home too, sentenced to repay my debts among Midgard. Thor could bring her, but I didn't trust the oaf with her safety.

The only option was to bring her to her village and pray to the gods(well, me), that they'll help her. I shoved the book back into it's place and left my chambers to speak with Steve.

Um, thank you for 1,000 reads?! I never thought any of my stories would actually get that many reads. Owo
Anyway, thank you for reading and sorry about the amount of cliffhangers as of late. It pains me but I must.

~Le Author

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