Chapter 63|Home

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Tourmaline curled around my shoulders, soaking up my body heat. "I hope you had a lovely time on Asgard, despite the incident," Frigga smiled warmly, enveloping me in a hug, "I look forward to seeing you again." "You as well, Queen Frigga," I said the last of my goodbyes sweetly. I joined Loki where he was waiting with Heimdall while Thor was saying his farewells to his friends. Loki snaked his arm around my waist, subtly pulling me closer. Thor stepped closer to us. "We're ready, Heimdall." 

Lights every color of the rainbow lit up around us as the Bifrost enveloped us. I buried my face into Loki's chest, trying to ignore the feeling of my stomach dropping to my feet. Loki wrapped his arms around me and held me close until we landed. My nose scrunched up at the scent of scorched concrete. Another rune was burned into the runway of the tower from the Bifrost. 

Loki's hand clasped mine as we rode the elevator down to the common area, Thor standing behind us. The elevator doors dinged as they opened. "Welcome home, Loki, Thistle, Thor, and Tourmaline." JARVIS greeted us as we stepped onto the common floor. "Hello, Voice-in-the-Walls!" I chirped, dropping my backpack on my favorite couch. 

"You're home!" A blond figure tackled me into a hug. "Marigold!" "I missed you," Marigold whispered. Her words were slightly muted from her face nuzzling into my shoulder. "Missed you too, kiddo." "Thistle!" Khepri and Peter yelled in unison as the pair joined the hug. I chuckled, wrapping my arms around them. After a few seconds, I wiggled out of the hug, eager to unpack my bag. 

I greeted the rest of the Avengers on the way to my room. As soon as I stepped through the door I released the spell keeping my wings concealed. Tourmaline hopped off my shoulders and curled up in her nest. She blinked slowly, watching my movements from the pile of blankets. After unpacking, I flopped onto my bed. "Traveling is exhausting." I sighed. So is getting burned by iron, I imagine. Tourmaline snickered. I shot a glare towards her. Tourmaline's softly glowing eyes held the glare. "Shut up." I turned to look towards the ceiling. 

The door squeaked as Marigold stepped across the threshold. She flopped down onto the bed beside me. Velveteen horns poked through her golden hair. Sometimes I thought about how different we looked, I took after Dad and she took after Mom.

 "How was Asgard?" Marigold asked. "It sucked. I got burned with iron and locked up in prison." I said. "So a normal weekend, then." My sister joked. I giggled, playfully slapping her. "Too soon?" "Yeah, I think it is." I replied. Marigold sighed, rolling on her side to meet my face. "Someone tried to break into the tower a few days ago." 

Panic shot through my body. "What?" I sat up, eyes widening. "The Avengers had gone on a mission, and Steve had stayed behind to look after Khepri and I since you guys were in Asgard. Someone managed to get past JARVIS and the security. We think he belonged to Hydra." Marigold hugged herself, a few stray hairs falling in front of her face. I pulled her into an embrace.  "Nothing bad will ever happen to you while I'm here." I whispered fervently. 


So this chapter is really short and I'm kind of sorry about that, but my life has been a literal shit storm lately between school, flareups of both my chronic illness and mental illnesses, and just being busy. The next chapter will actually be the last one in this book, but don't fear because I am currently writing the sequel and will let y'all know when it comes out. 

Love ya, 


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