Chapter 17|Fever Dream

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Black dots clouded my vision. I was vaguely aware of two arms wrapped around me. There was a sharp pain in my stomach, and warmth was flooding out. "Stay with me, my darling..." A male voice pleaded. The black dots swarmed my vision. 


My eyes fluttered open in the med bay. Loki was sitting in a metal folding chair, Tourmaline curled up in his lap. "Hey..." I croaked. Loki lifted his head out of his hands. He tackled me in a hug, laughing in relief. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. 


Loki helped me back to my room, where I was put on strict bed rest. Bruce released me from the med bay on the conditions I stay in my room and heal. I flopped onto my bed, ignoring the pain in my stomach. Loki sat down in the chair by the desk. I was kind of tired. 

"Where did you get this flower?" He asked, pointing to my crescent lily, which I never moved to my garden. "It was a gift from my mother, before she left. She said when someone dies its a tradition for them to leave their loved ones a flower as a gift." Tears welled up in my eyes, even after all these years it still hurt. "Oh, Thistle, I'm sorry for asking-" "No, it's okay. It was decades okay. It was her decision, and it was to protect Father and me." I explained. "How old were you, if you don't mind me asking?" Loki asked. "Twenty-nine. Which is about four in human years I think," I answered truthfully. I was so young when it happened. "Then my father died when I was a hundred-and-seventeen. And then I was banished from my village, the same day Father was killed." 

Loki blinked. "You got banished from your village on the same day your father died? How was he killed?" "Yes, and he was beheaded for treason." I said casually. "That's seriously fucked up." Indeed it is. I nodded in agreement. 

I yawned and crawled under my covers. "It's okay if you rest my flower, you were severely injured, emotionally and physically." I smiled softly. Loki got up and tucked me in. "Goodnight, darling." I felt a kiss on my forehead as my eyes closed. 


I found myself in the deepest part of the forest surrounding my village. A figure cloaked in smoke stood in the corner. They smiled, red-stained teeth glowing through the smoke. "Hello, Princess Thistle of Stardust Grove." The creature slithered toward me, flanked by two shadow wolves like the one that shattered my blades. "Who are you?" I managed to choke out. They chuckled, a sound from the depths of hell. "You'll find out soon enough, Princess. By the way, how have my wolves been treating you? Horribly, I hope?" They're talons clicked as they put their hands together. I grimaced. "I'm not a princess, not anymore." I growled. Not since my aunt banished me. "Ah, you may have been banished, disgraced from the throne, but that doesn't change the fact that royal blood courses through your veins. And after your cousin, you're the next in line for the throne. My wolves made sure of that." 

My blood ran cold. Aunt Astra... "What do you want from me?" I snapped. "Elves, the fay, they've been hiding from the world for too long. It's cowardly, you know, to horde all that magic, when people suffer so greatly. I just wish to make magic available to everyone, with a price, of course," They said, their voice sickly sweet, "In order to bring peace and magic for all, it requires the hoarders of magic to die. For the good of all." A knot formed in the pit of my stomach. 

"Genocide." I whispered. "I've never liked that word, no, I prefer mercy. Civilizations who hide deserve no place in the world." 


My eyes flew open, my entire body burning. I didn't realize I was screaming until my throat grew hoarse. 

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