Chapter 22|An Old Friend

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Thistle's POV

I woke up in the Infirmary. I must've drifted off after the healer had given me my dose of medicine. I yawned and leaned against the pillows. The beds in the infirmary were also so comfy, not that my bed in my old room wasn't uncomfortable. The healer padded over.

"Ah, you're awake." She observed. Her voice was soft and melodic. I scanned her up and down. My eyes went wide with realization. "Amare!" The elven healer crossed her arms. "I was waiting for you to recognize me." "I was dying from Moonfever, Am." I pointed out. She rolled her eyes and sat down at the foot of the bed. A strand of blue was braided into her shiny lavender locks, kept together by a silver engraved cuff. "You're betrothed!" I exclaimed. Amare smiled softly. "I am." I smirked. "So you and Ave finally confessed your undying love for each other. It was tiring watching you two be so oblivious."

Ave was my very best friend before I got banished. We had known each other ever since her family moved to Stardust Grove when we were elflings. "Yes, well, that was two years ago. A lot can change." Amare fiddled with her braid. My joy fell, and a knot formed in the pit of my stomach. How much had I missed out on? 

"How is she? Ave, I mean?" I asked. Would she still be willing to be my friend? "Ave... she went on a quest a month ago, and she hasn't returned." My heart skipped a beat. "But she's still alive. At least according to this." Amare lifted up her necklace, the symbol of the water element gleamed, hung on a silver chain. It was tradition for assassins to leave a token with one of their loved ones when they went on a dangerous mission. The item would be enchanted to break if the assassin died, but be impenetrable if they were still alive. Ave was still alive. 

Snowdrop entered the infirmary. Her icy eyes flicked towards me. "Thank goodness you're awake! I was so worried!" She tackled me in a hug. I wheezed. "I can't breathe." I choked out. "Sorry." Snowdrop said sheepishly. She let go. "I just came to inform you that your friends have been shown to their suites, and Tourmaline has fallen asleep in the Dragon Stables." I thanked her and she smiled softly. Snowdrop turned to leave. "Don't bother my friends with questions!" I yelled after her. "No promises!" She yelled back. Snowdrop had always been curious, and as a child she was obsessed with dragons. I rolled my eyes, while Amare started brewing a few potions. 

Loki's POV

My ebony hair fell over my shoulders in soft waves as I dressed in the silky elven clothes. I wondered how Thistle was doing. Was the healer able to cure her? I adjusted the cuffs of my green long sleeved tunic and exited my bedchamber. A soft knock reverberated throughout the sitting room. I opened the door, where a lithe female elf stood at the door. Dirt was smudged on her white apron, and her silver hair was pulled back in a tight bun. "Queen Snowdrop has sent me to collect you for a luncheon." She spoke in Elvish, I realized. Due to All-speak it was easy to not notice switches in languages. Thor stood in the hallway, wearing a red tunic and black leggings. His outfit was similar to mine in style, but mine was green with gold accents. 

The maid led us down the winding hallways to a large dining hall. A long wooden table sat laden with food. Snowdrop sat at the end, in an elaborately carved high backed chair. She motioned for us to sit. Thor and I sat on either side, next to her. The maid bowed and bustled off. 

"Are you enjoying you're accommodations? I like to treat my guests well, especially ones of your stature, and friends of Thistle. You mentioned you were princes?" She scooped some food on her plate. "We are enjoying our accommodations, and we are from Asgard." I answered. Thor and I began eating.  "Asgard, like the human myths?" Queen Snowdrop's accent was heavier than Thistle's, which is to be expected when someone lives with humans for months. "I suppose so. You've heard of it?" I looked over at Thor, who was gnawing on a drumstick. "When I was an elfling I loved reading stories of human myths. Besides, Human Studies was a required course in school for the royal court. I don't think it was all that accurate though." Snowdrop explained.

Her icy eyes slid over to me. "Did you really give birth to Sleipnir the eight-legged horse? Or Fenris the wolf?" I choked on my water. "No! I've never given birth to anything!" I yelled in disbelief. Thor chuckled. "Midgardian lore couldn't be further from the truth, Queen Snowdrop. Besides, my brother has never slept with someone." I glared at Thor while taking a sip of water. "You can drop the honorifics, Thor. You saved my cousin from the brink of death, besides, you're her friends so you're my friends." Snowdrop said. 

The elf clapped her hands together. "Anyway, I've got duties to attend to, but you can eat all you like. Also, I believe Healer Amare is letting in visitors." With that, she stood up and left. I finished my lunch and left to go find the Infirmary. 

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