you pass out (requested)

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"I'm so excited for the show tonight," Madison spoke gleefully as she held your hand while you took a stroll through the city. "It's gonna be so much fun!"

You could only mumble an agreement, too busy wiping away the beads of sweat lingering on your temple. It's a hot day and the sun is beating down with no sign of fading behind the clouds.

You weren't feeling all that great, but you knew Madison loves exploring the cities she tours and you didn't want to disappoint her by not tagging along.

You thought you'd be fine. You brought along your water bottle filled with cold water, but it was all gone now. You knew she'd want to stop somewhere along the way for some kind of refreshment and it wouldn't be long.

"Are you okay? You're quiet." She said before turning her head, finding you looking unwell. "You okay, baby? What's wrong?"

"It's hot." You mumbled and started to fan yourself with your shirt. "Can we get some water, please?"

"Yes!" She spoke frantically and dropped your hand to hold you instead. "You should've told me you weren't feeling well. Tell me next time, baby."

"Okay." You mumbled, swallowing thickly and gripping her shirt in your hand. "I'm dizzy."

She tightened her arms around you.

"Think I'm gonna pass out."

"What?" She panicked and then, to her horror, you passed out in her arms. She saw a bunch only feet away and she carefully guided you there and laid you down before she pulled out her phone and called for an ambulance.

She gently patted your cheeks and said your name, but your eyes never opened. Her heart hammered against her ribcage, a lump forming in her throat as an inexpressible wave of fear washed over her.

She clutched your hand tightly and spoke your name again and again as she tried to block out the random people passing by that were forming around her, till the ambulance finally showed up a few long, agonizing minutes later.

You awoke to an annoying beeping sound and a squeeze of Madison's hand. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, so heavy you almost wanted to keep them closed. But you could hear an unfamiliar voice mixing with your girlfriend's, and you were curious.

You whimpered when you were met with the bright lights of a hospital room.


You turned your head at the sound of Madison's voice, watching a relieved smile appear on her face when your tired eyes locked with hers.

"Thank gosh you're awake! I was so worried about you."

"What happened?"

"You passed out, baby." She explained. "You're in the hospital now and they're gonna give you an IV. You should feel better in no time." She said as she started to play with your hair.

You felt a pinch as the IV went into your hand.

"It's okay," Madison whispered, kissing your temple. "You scared the hell out of me, though."


"It's alright, baby. You're gonna be just fine and that's all that matters. I love you."

You squeezed her hand and looked into her eyes with a small smile on your face and said, "I love you even more."

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