she won't take off your hoodie

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You threw all the dirty clothes back into the hamper and started to look round the room.

This didn't make any sense. Your favorite hoodie was nowhere to be found. You've looked through the closet, through the dirty clothes to see if you accidentally threw it in there, and you've looked through the laundry room downstairs. Still, it was gone.

You started to wonder where you could've misplaced it. But you didn't have to wonder for long, because Madison soon came into the room, and what was she wearing? Your favorite hoodie.

"There it is! I've been looking all over for that hoodie!" Madison giggled as you came up to her. You had to admit that you loved seeing her wear it. She looked absolutely adorable in it. But when a shiver ran down your spine you knew you had no choice but to ask for it back.

"Okay, cutie. Give it back to me."

She shook her head.


"Nope. I'm not taking it off." She said with a glimmer in her eyes.

"But it's my favorite one!" You whined and pulled at the strings a little making her laugh. "I know. That's why I won't take it off. It's so soft and it smells just like you."

You sighed and folded your arms over your chest. "Okay. Then what do I wear?"

She went over to the closet and threw another one at you; her favorite hoodie. You shot her a confused look and she simply nodded her head with a smile.

You pulled it over your head and grinned when the smell of her favorite perfume filled your senses. You felt warm and cozy and when you looked up at Madison all you could think about was how soft she looked and how much you loved her.

As you wrapped your arms around her neck and she put hers around your back, your heart started to beat a little faster. You pressed your forehead onto hers and she planted a few kisses to your lips.

"See? Now we both win."

You laughed before kissing her again.

Maybe it wasn't your hoodie, but it was just as nice, if not better. Maybe you could get used to this.

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