she wants to go home when you're at a party

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Madison tried to ignore the dizziness she was feeling from the pounding in her head. She threw her drink in the trash can, having only taken a few sips of it because she couldn't find the desire to drink it in the first place.

She pushed her way through the crowd of people. The smell of alcohol and the sight of people dancing around her became overwhelming. She didn't wanna be here. She didn't really wanna come in the first place. But this party has been in the works for days and you've been so excited to catch up with your friends since you got the invite. Madison only came for you, but all she really wanted was to go home because she really wasn't feeling great.

She finally managed to get through the crowd and heard the sound of your laugh. She'd recognize that sweet sound anywhere. Usually, your laugh would send butterflies through her stomach and she'd do anything to hear it again and again. But not tonight; not when she felt so gross.

She made her way over to you. You sent her a smile when you saw her but it turned into a frown when you noticed how pale she seemed. "Madison? Are you okay?" She clung to you and leaned her head down on your shoulder, wishing that you never had to let her go. "I feel sick. I wanna go home."

You rubbed her back as she looked up at you with teary eyes. You could tell she felt terrible and suddenly being surrounded by your friends became the last thing you wanted. You turned back to your friends. "Hey, we're gonna get going. She doesn't feel good and I just wanna get her home."

Your friends agreed, nodding their heads and looking between the two of you. "No, that's just fine! We'll be throwing another party soon so you know we'll let you know in advance. We love you, have a good night. Feel better, Madison!" One of your friends said, gently rubbing Madison's shoulder.

"Come on, lovely." You wrapped your arm around her side and gave it a squeeze. As soon as you were out the door you ordered an uber. You waited patiently for it to arrive, which it did just a few minutes later.

You both got inside and instead of making herself comfortable against the seats of the car, Madison made herself comfortable on your lap. You started to run your fingers through her hair. You listened to her breathe, watching as her forehead became clammy as beads of sweat began to roll down her warm skin.

She looked awful. It had just seemingly hit her out of nowhere. If you had known, you wouldn't have even left the house.

"My poor girl." You whispered as you saw her eyebrows knit together as her head started to hurt a little worse. "Tell me what's bothering you, my love."

"My head." She groaned. "I feel a little nauseous but not bad. I just don't feel well." She muttered as she managed to open her eyes. They were clouded with guilt and it was sad to see. "Sorry I ruined your fun with your friends."

You shook your head. "Nonsense. You didn't ruin anything. You don't feel good, baby. That's understandable and I'd never get mad at you for wanting to leave because of that. Besides, you heard what they said. They'll throw another one soon. If you feel up to it that night, we'll go together then."

She nodded and a small smile crossed her face as you brushed your thumb along her cheeks. Her eyes closed again and she fell asleep for the remainder of the way home.

She only woke up when she felt you rub her shoulder to pull her from her sleep Her eyes opened slowly. "Hey, lovely. I'm sorry to wake you but we're home. Come on, let's go up to bed and get to sleep."

She sat up with your help and you both got out of the car. You handed the driver some money and then went to the front door as he drove away. You unlocked it and wrapped your arm around Madison. Carefully, you helped her up the stairs to bed.

"Just a few more steps." You comforted, seeing that she was getting worn out. You finally made it to the bedroom a moment later and quickly went to the closet as Madison took a seat at the edge of the bed. She was so tired and her eyes felt so heavy that she almost fell asleep right there, but the sound of your voice brought her back.

"Come on, baby. Let's get you out of your dress and into this shirt." You whispered softly and moved the straps down her shoulder and peeled the dress off of her. You then helped pull the shirt over her head and as soon as the fabric was to her thighs she flopped back on the bed, not caring about anything else at that moment.

You quickly changed into your pajamas and freshened up in the bathroom before making your way to the bed. You laid down next to Madison and grabbed the blanket. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady and so you figured she had already fallen asleep.

You draped the blanket over her, up to her chin, and then kissed her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open just a little. She looked exhausted. "Baby, go back to sleep."

It was impossible to argue when she felt so tired and so miserable. She let out a soft little sigh as you started to rub your fingers along her side. "I love you. Thank you for understanding and for taking care of me."

"No need to thank me for that. It's my job as your girlfriend; to take care of you when you don't feel good. I love you too, now go to sleep. Maybe you'll feel better after getting some rest." You kissed the side of her head softly. "Sweet dreams. Goodnight." You said as you closed your eyes, too.

"Goodnight, y/n."

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