you have a nightmare

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You shot straight up in bed, startling Madison awake with you.

You gasped for air, desperate to catch your breath that had been stolen from the terrible nightmare you had.

You jumped when Madison touched your shoulder but when her thumb brushed across your skin in a soothing manner you started to relax, always feeling comforted by her touch. She could tell you were shaken up. Whatever you'd dreamt of had been burned into your memory.

Despite being away and being safe, it still lingered on with you. The fear lingered as your mind flashed back to the terrible dream. "What happened?" Madison asked you softly, pulling your hair from your neck before she buried her face in it, softly breathing against your skin, hoping her touch and her warmth would keep you anchored and make you feel safe.

"You can tell me about it. I'm here to listen." She said when a moment or two passed by and you still hadn't spoken a single word. "I don't wanna talk about it." You murmured. Your chest wasn't heaving as hard as it was just a couple of minutes ago. You were starting to calm down.

As much as Madison wished you'd talk to her about whatever it was that made you so anxious, she wasn't gonna push you into it. She'd settle for comforting you with her touch and her words.

"Okay. You don't have to. But if you change your mind you can tell me. Okay?" She whispered and watched as you nodded your head. You leaned your head back on her shoulder and breathed out shakily. "I'm sorry I woke you."

She shook her head. "No, don't be. It's alright. Are you feeling better?"

You hesitated, but when you realized that you were feeling just a little better, you gave her another nod and felt her arms wrap around you. "That's all that matters then. Wanna lay back down? I promise I'll keep holding you."


You laid back down, but this time on your right side so you could face her. She laced your fingers together and brushed the strands of hair that hung in your face away. She leaned forward and planted a lingering kiss to your forehead, pulling away a few seconds later with a hopeful smile.

"It felt so real." You mumbled and squeezed her hand. In return, she squeezed yours back reassuringly. "I know. But it wasn't. Whatever scared you so badly, I promise it was only just a nightmare. You're safe. I'm right here and no matter what I'll always keep you safe. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Nothing's gonna happen to you when I'm around. I won't let it."

That was what you needed to hear.

You moved a little closer so you could put your forehead on her shoulder. And when she started to run her fingers through your hair you relaxed a little more, enough to close your eyes.

And even when you felt yourself start to drift off back to sleep, you weren't scared. Because no matter what Madison was right there with you, and you knew you were safe with her.

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