you can't sleep

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You kicked the blankets off in a fit of frustration. You groaned, tired of tossing and turning with no hopes of falling asleep anytime soon.

You ran your hands across your face and got out of bed so you wouldn't wake up Madison. You went downstairs. you got yourself some water before taking a seat on the couch. But before you could flip on the tv you heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" She asked sleepily as she came over to the couch and sat next to you. "I can't sleep and I didn't wanna wake you up so I thought I'd come down here and watch a movie or something."

She sighed as she put her arm around your shoulder and pulled you to her side. "I'm sorry you're having trouble falling asleep, y/n. Is there something on your mind?" She was a little worried when she saw the dark circles underneath your eyes.

You put your head down on her lap and she started to play with your hair, braiding a few of the strands or just twirling them across her fingertips. "Not really. I just can't seem to sleep."

Madison thought for a few seconds before you turned to look at her with pleading eyes. "Okay. You'll get there, I promise." She whispered to you. "Would it help if I sang to you?"

She could see the way your eyes sparkled a little and your lips pulled into a smile when she asked you that. "Maybe."

She grabbed the blanket off of the couch and threw it over you. She made sure you were under the fluffy blanket and that it was secure over your shoulders before she leaned down to kiss your forehead. "Okay then. We'll give it a shot and if that doesn't work we'll try something else. Sound good?"

Even though you nodded, you knew it'd work. Whenever you can't seem to sleep, all it seems to take is her lovely voice singing your favorite song as she'd move her fingertips along your arms or place them in your hair. "Okay."

She hummed softly for a few seconds before she started to sing your favorite song. It didn't take long for you to close your eyes. You felt content, her voice was so melodic and soothing, you couldn't help but relax when you heard it.

All it took was singing that song to you a couple of times and a few soft kisses on your forehead for you to fall sound asleep.

And as much as Madison wished you were up in bed together, she didn't dare move. The sight of you curled up on her lap sound asleep made her heart flutter in her chest. She put her head back against the back of the couch and smiled slightly.

"Goodnight, y/n. Love you lots," she spoke softly before falling asleep. She was happy to have helped you do the same.

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