paparazzi get too close

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You rested your cheek on her shoulder, feeling as though your heart could burst from the happiness you've been feeling tonight.

After a busy few weeks for the both of you, you finally had the opportunity to go out for a date night. Though it's not the first you've had in weeks, it is the first you've gone out for, and you're both having the time of your life tonight.

Dinner at a cute restaurant followed by a movie you've both been wanting to see and now plans to go for a late-night walk through the park as the sun finally set and the moon hung low in the sky.

"I love you." You whispered, gazing up at her with soft eyes when she looked down at you with a growing smile. "Thank you for the most wonderful night. I know it's not over yet, but I'm having so much fun being with you and spending time with you."

"I love you, y/n. I've missed you, so spending all this time with you is making me feel the happiest I've felt in a long while. But, no matter what we do, I'm always happy to be with you."

She stopped walking as you lifted your head and puckered your lips, relishing in the crash of her soft lips on yours.

You could live in that moment forever; if the universe would allow it. You wanted to taste her lips and admire how beautiful she looked under the shining stars and the moonlight.

But sadly, that wasn't how things went. Because you heard fast footsteps on the sidewalk, leading to you both. You both pulled away and turned your heads to see a few guys with big cameras coming towards you.

"Not again." She groaned and took your hand in hers. Her grip was a little tight but you weren't complaining. Paparazzi always makes you feel nervous. The anxiety that comes from how invasive and how close they get at times always overwhelms you.

"Alright. Just ignore them. Focus on me." She whispered in your ear, squeezing your hand to bring you some comfort and reassurance.

But her words were only a whisper; ones you barely heard because they got lost to the yelling coming from the men who were following behind you.

"Enjoying your date night?"

"We were until you came along." She said and you snickered in response.

She squeezed your hand as the voices grew louder and the questions became more personal. You tried to cover your face with your free hand, but it wasn't enough to block out the bright camera flashes.

"Are you thirsty? Wanna make a stop at a cafe before our walk around the park?" Madison asked, trying to think of ways to escape from them.

You nodded because, truthfully, you'd be down for almost anything if it meant escaping them.

Only a block away, you tried to keep your head down and focus on Madison's sweet voice and watching your feet hit the ground.

But one guy was feeling a little risky, wanting to get closer to get to you.

He stepped in front of you, shoving the camera closer to the point where it was almost right in your face. Madison scoffed, eyes wide, and filling with anger.

"What is the matter with you? She's already scared enough! Give her some space!" She yelled, blood boiling and anger bubbling until the man stepped away; a little taken aback by her anger getting the best of her.

She grumbled under her breath until you texted the door to the cafe. She held it for you as you stepped inside. The bells jingled and there was soft music playing, as well as a mix of coffee and pastries in the air.

The voices were loud before completely fading out as the door closed.

You relaxed and took a seat, feeling better now that you were safe and warm inside.

"Thank you." You mumbled as you sat in a chair across from her. She took your hand and sent you a sweet smile before bringing it to her lips to lay some soft kisses against your skin.

"I'll always keep you safe, baby girl. Don't ever worry about that. I love you lots." She smiled. "Now, do you want something? I'll get you whatever you'd like." She grinned, filling your heart with joy and love as you thought about what you'd like to do next.

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