you have an asthma attack (requested)

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"I've missed days like this," Madison said, turning her head to look at you with that beautiful smile that always makes your heart swell with joy. "The sun is shining, the birds are singing. It's a beautiful day and I'm happy I get to spend it with you."

You kissed her cheek and continued on your walk together. It really was a beautiful day and with nothing to do and nowhere to be, you get to spend it all with her and you're overjoyed about it! Looking back at your busy days this week, you know it was all worth it to be here with Madison now.

She was tossing out suggestions of what else you could do today. Ice cream, maybe going to the beach; whatever you really wanted.

However, her excitement dwindled when she heard the commotion coming from behind you both. Her name was being yelled out, yours quickly following, and you could both see the cameras in their hands.

The paparazzi had found you yet again.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed onto your hand, thinking you could run down the trail ahead and you could just lose them.

However, you knew that wouldn't be possible. You could feel your chest becoming tight and the air leaving your lungs.

"Madison, stop!"

You could barely breathe and when you tried you could hear that terrible wheeze coming from your lungs. "I can't breathe!"

"Let me help you get your backpack off! Is your inhaler in there?"

You figured it was. You take it everywhere with you. With how bad your asthma is you know you can't take any chances! You carry it everywhere either in your pocket or little backpack on your shoulders.

But as Madison helped you shrug the backpack off of your shoulders and started to dig through it only to come up empty-handed, you realized that your worst fear had come true. It wasn't there. It was nowhere to be found.

"Baby it's not in here! Where is it?"

You weren't sure.

But one thing you were sure of was that it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. Your chest was getting tighter, your breaths were becoming shallower, and you were gripping Madison's hand in fear.

"Could it be in the car?"

You shrugged, eyes wide and filled with fear.

"I'm gonna go check. I'm gonna hurry, I'll be back in a flash! I promise."

She squeezed your hand encouragingly before running down the trail. She used her long legs to make it to the car as quickly as she could. It wasn't far away but she made it back in record time. Her own chest was heaving as she opened the passenger side door and started to search for it.

"Come on. Please be here!" She muttered to herself. Her own anxiety was growing. She knew she had to get back to you before it was too late.

She looked under the seat, just to be sure she had looked everywhere... and there it was.

She gasped and slammed the car door shut, clicking the lock button on her keys before running back to you. She rushed past a few people wandering through the park, going at a speed that she didn't know she could ever run before.

She followed that dreadful sound of your wheezing back to you. She pulled the cap off and knelt in front of you.

"Here we go, baby. I got it! Ready?"

She put it in your mouth and gave you a puff. You took a long deep breath, allowing for it to rush into your lungs.

She gave you one more puff when you told her to. You sucked it in once more and fell onto your back, completely exhausted. It was so relieving to feel the air going back into your lungs again. Although you were still a little shaky and breathless, you could breathe again.

"You alright, baby girl?"

"Yeah. You got here just in time."

She took yoyur hand and gave it a squeeze and you gave her one back, just to calm her racing mind. "I'm so happy to hear that. I feel like I ran a marathon with how fast I ran." She laughed.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, y/n. It was worth it. I'd do it all again if you needed me too. I'm just happy that you're okay and you're breathing much better now. Do you wanna go home? Spend the day there?"

You nodded weakly because as much as you wanted to stay out and soak up the sun you also felt very weak and exhausted and all you wanted was to rest for a bit.

"Okay. Let's go. We'll take it slow. You and me."

You slowly stood to your feet with her help and leaned against her as you walked back to the car. As scary as things were just minutes ago, you sure were grateful that this is how it all turned out.

You know it could've been much worse if it weren't for Madison being there with you.

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