you wake her up in the middle of the night for cuddles

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Your eyes shot open as a rush of cool air moved down your arms.

You groaned and tried to move closer to Madison, but when you went to move your back against her chest you realized she wasn't there holding you.

Confused and a little worried you sat up in bed, only to find her sleeping next to you. She was near the edge of her side of the bed, resting on her stomach as her back rose and fell steadily.

You didn't wanna wake her up, especially when she's sleeping so peacefully, but you felt a little cold and you needed her to hold you. It's the only way you'd be able to fall back asleep.

You tapped her shoulder a few times. "Madison? Madison? Wake up."

She whined and turned her head towards you. She had hair sticking to her face from sleeping on the strands for so long. She looked exhausted. She barely opened her eyes, just enough to show you she was listening.

"What is it?" She asked groggily.

"You weren't holding me and I'm cold now."

She cracked a sleepy smile and closed her eyes again. "You woke me up at," she paused, turning back to look at the clock before lazily looking at you. "3:46 am for cuddles?"

You nodded and Madison wordlessly moved closer to you. You moved back to lay on your side and smiled when you felt her chest against your back, the heat of her skin close to yours. Her arms wrapped around you and you laid your hands over hers.

You both closed your eyes again and started to fall back asleep. But not without one last thing.

"Love you," you mumbled.

You felt her kiss your head lazily before she mumbled the words back to you.

You both fell back asleep, warmer and cozier now that you're cuddling again.

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