she stays the night for the first time

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"You okay?" Madison asked worriedly as she wrapped her arm around your waist and let you lean on her as you slowly walked to your bed. "Just take it easy. I've got you." She promised when you winced in pain.

You felt a little faint and your stomach was achy. It all began after you arrived home from your date night, although your stomach had felt a little funny as soon as you finished eating. You had only made it through a few bites before you felt that ache come over you. It was obvious that what you had eaten had made you sick to your stomach.

"I feel horrible." You mumbled as Madison slowly helped you lay down. She immediately moved the trash can closer to you, just in case. She then brushed her fingers through your hair. She was a little bit of a worrywart when it came to you and even though she knew you wouldn't have a fever, she still found herself checking, just to be sure.

"I know you do, baby. Food poisoning will do that to you." She smiled sadly.

You whined and let your head fall back to the pillow.

"Do you have some crackers? Or maybe some soup? I can make you some and then I can leave if you want me to, so you can rest."

"What?" You frowned when she said that. "Leave? No. Stay with me, please?" You took her hand, using what little strength you had to squeeze it. "I hate being sick and I don't wanna be alone. I know it's only food poisoning but I still feel gross and I want you to stay."

"Why would I ever say no to that? Okay, baby girl. I'll stay. Want me to grab you some soup?"

"No. I just want some cuddles from my girl."

Madison couldn't help buit smile at you. She carefully crawled into bed and fell down beside you. "Get comfy in my arms, baby." She said and let you take your time to get comfortable before she put them around you.

"Are you okay? You're trembling a little."

"Just a little shaken up, that's all. I hate vomiting."

She nodded undertsandingly. "That's okay. But I'm here. I've got you and I won't let you go."

You laid your cheek on her chest, huimming contently as she kissed your head. Your eyes were closed, comforted by her arms and the blanket at your feet. "I know this isn't exactly the happiest occasion, but I like that you're finally staying with me. I love you lots and having you here, holding me, is actually helping a lot more than you probably know."

"I'm glad too, baby girl. Next time we stay at mine, and no vomiting that night." She joked and felt relieved when you chcukled lightly along with her. "Seriously though, I'm happy too. Now try to sleep. You'll probably feel better when you wake up, and if you don't for any reason, I'll still be here."

You nodded tiredly but it was clear that you were happy about that, judging by the skip in the beat of your heart.

She hummed softly to you and rubebd your stoimach till you fell asleep in her arms. She was grateful that she gets to hold you in her arms all through the night for the very frist time, but definitely not the last.

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