already warmer (requested)

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The line to get into the restaurant was out the door and around the building.

It seemed like your luck; this restaurant is never crowded like this but on the one night this week that Madison got home pretty early and had the idea of going out for a nice dinner, it was crowded and the line was moving slowly.

And to make things just a little more unbearable, the air was cold. You had worn one of your warmer sweaters, knowing that it might get chilly while you're out tonight. But Madison, however, had forgotten her hoodie at home and she was cold.

You felt her arms wrap around you and so you leaned against her, letting your head fall back against her shoulder. You tilted it so you could look at her, just in time to see her shiver from the already cold air that just seemed to get colder when the wind blew.

"Honey? Are you cold?" You turned around and started to rub her arms. "We can go if you want to. We can just order in or go somewhere that won't be crowded." You put the offer on the table but she just shook her head. "Baby, I don't want you to get sick. Your health is far more important to me than a dinner in a fancy restaurant."

As sweet as it was, Madison was still insistent on staying put.

"I'll be alright, baby girl. No need to worry. I already know a way that I can warm up anyways."

You raised your eyebrow but smiled when her arm circled around you. "Yeah? How so?"

You felt her hands snaking down the small of your back. She hummed as she put her hands into the back pockets of your jeans and listened to a giggle fall from your lips. You buried your face in her neck and you were sure she could feel the warmth of your red cheeks on her soft skin.

"There. See? I'm already feeling warmer with my hands in your pockets and the warmth of your body in my arms."

You couldn't lie; it was sweet that she found comfort in you like this. It was adorable!

"I really really love you." You whispered against her neck and let your lips trail across her neck.

"Not nearly as much as I love you, my love."

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