wiping my girlfriend's kisses prank

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The sound of Madison calling out your name followed by her hurried footsteps up the stairs caused your heart to flutter. She's finally home after a busy afternoon in the studio and you're more than excited to see her.

"Oh, there you are, baby," she smiled as she appeared in the doorway of your shared room.

Her smile was bright and you could see the sparkle in her eyes as she made her way to you. You knew she was gonna come and greet you with a kiss on the lips, like she does every day when she comes home from work.

You felt butterflies in your chest at the thought alone. However, your heart sorta sunk a little when you remembered the prank one of your friends dared you to pull on her. The thought of wiping away her kisses was one you hated, especially since she gives the most amazing ones.

But you didn't have the time to give it another thought. Because she strode across the room to you as fast as she could and quickly pushed her lips onto yours for a sweet and lingering kiss.

As you always do, you melted into the feeling of her lips moving so perfectly against your own. The mint on her breath from the gum she's been chewing on hit your lips and she gently laid her hand on your cheek to brush her thumb along your skin in circles as her lips lingered on yours.

Much too soon for your liking, she pulled away from your lips. Hers were tugged up into a bright smile but it quickly fell when she watched your brush your fingers along your lips to wipe them of the kiss you once couldn't get enough of.

She frowned but brushed it off and decided to give you another kiss, this one a little deeper than the last. You sighed softly against her lips and that was enough to tell her that you were loving it.

But you were quick to wipe your lip yet again when she pulled away.

"What is the matter with you?" She asked and you could sense the hurt in her voice.

"What do you mean?"

She pecked your lips softly, simply testing the waters, only to watch you wipe your lips once more when she pulled away.

"That!" She scoffed. "Why do you keep wiping your lips when I pull away?"

"I don't know what you mean." You replied and watched her eyes roll before she moved to sit at the foot of the bed with her back facing you. You scooted toward the edge and sat beside her. You placed your hand on her thigh and moved it around in soft circles.

"You're wiping my kisses away. I thought you liked when I kissed you. Now you act like they repulse you or something."

You couldn't help but chuckle, which only made her eyes turn sadder when they locked with yours.

"No, Madison, I'm not laughing at you because it's true. More like I'm laughing because it could never be true. It's just a prank, babe."

She looked confused before her eyes widened.

"That's not nice." She said and folded her arms over her chest with a pout.

"I know." You said as she put her arms around you and pulled you onto her lap. "Tell me how to make it up to you. Can you forgive me?"

You were pouting now and usually, the sight is too cute for her to resist and she'll cave right into you, giving you whatever you wanted or needed.

But this time, she had to think about it - or at least pretend to.

"Madison!" You whined and tugged at the hem of her shirt, causing her to giggle and run her hand along your back.

"Oh, c'mon, y/n. You know I can't ever stay mad at you. It wasn't nice but I love you. So yes, I forgive you. No more mean pranks though."

You didn't even get the chance to speak before she was pulling you in for a kiss. This one was deeper than all the ones before. This time, her hand was tangling in your hair and her lips were moving passionately against your own, teeth tugging at your lower lip when she'd pull away, only to reattach her lips with yours and bring you in for another deep kiss.

"What are you doing?" You asked curiously.

"You asked how you could make it up to me." She mumbled. "Keep kissing me like this and we'll call it even."

You melted over her words, finding yourself looping your arms around her neck to keep her close as she let her hand run along your back and down to your hips. Her touch caused your skin to tingle. But you also hoped that this moment with her wouldn't ever end.

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