someone breaks in

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Madison woke with a jolt when she heard the loud crash downstairs.

She was worried right away, her mind wandering away with her as thoughts of you accidentally hurting yourself as you stumbled through the kitchen through your sleepy haze. But suddenly, you were turning onto your side beside her in the comfort and safety of your shared bed.

It felt like her heart was in her throat. She knew someone had to be in the house. She quickly reached for her phone on the charger and shook you awake. "Y/n! Wake up!" She spoke frantically and quickly dialed 911.

"Madison? What is it?" You asked as you rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

She was about to answer you when she heard what sounded like footsteps on the stairs. She jumped up and, as quickly and as quietly as she could, went to the door and turned the lock.

She watched as a shadow appeared under the door. Footsteps hurriedly went into the other room. She knew that whoever was in your house was only there for one reason; for valuables. For anything that would make them a quick buck.

Madison pressed the phone to her ear and you both made your way into the bathroom, closing and locking the door softly. Madison quickly explained the situation to the dispatcher and even though she was trying to stay calm, you could tell she was just as scared as you.

You took her free hand and gave it a squeeze. You both held your breath and waited for the intruder's next move.

"It's gonna be alright," Madison promised you. "They said it's just gonna be a couple more-"

Her quiet words were caught her in her throat when you heard what sounded like banging against the bedroom door. You heard it open and you squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that they would take what they wanted and just go.

Madison shushed you softly as your hand trembled in hers. You saw feet under the bathroom door and heard the knob turn, but before anything else could happen sirens were heard outside the house.

You heard footsteps rushing out of the room quickly but just to be safe, you and Madison stayed in the bathroom. Your breath was shaky and you were leaning onto Madison, gripping her hand tightly as fear continued to wash over you wave after wave.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" You heard someone ask as they gently knocked on the door. Madison pressed the phone back to her ear and you could faintly hear the dispatcher say something before your girlfriend was on her feet and going to unlock the door. A cop stood there when it opened.

"It's okay now, baby girl. They got him." Madison assured as she reached her hand out for you to take, and you did gratefully.

She kept her hand on the small of your back, even as you were seated on the bed as the cops asked you a few questions. Soon enough they had gotten all the information they needed and were making their way out.

You watched out the window, waiting for Madison to return upstairs since she had gone to check downstairs to see what had been damaged. You watched them drive away with the man in the backseat.

You jumped as an arm went around your waist. "Sorry, it's only me, my love," Madison whispered as she held you close and kissed your neck softly. "You alright?" She checked. "Yeah. Just shaken up is all."

She nodded understandingly. "Me too. But it's okay now. They got him, and we're both safe." You turned around in her arms and dropped your head to her chest, somewhat comforted by the beat of her heart. It was a little faster than usual, but you understood why.

"It's all gonna be okay. Why don't we just lay down and turn on a movie?"

"And you'll hold me?"

Madison smiled at you as she brushed her thumb along your lower lip. "Always, baby girl. You're safe with me. I won't ever let you go."

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