kissing her unexpectedly

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Even though the restaurant was fairly empty this evening, Madison still wanted the booth in the back where no one else was around. You enjoyed the privacy this particular spot provided. The lights in the restaurant were dimmed and there was soft music playing making the atmosphere both romantic and calming.

"I'm so happy we got to come out tonight," Madison said as she continued to shove spoonfuls of the dessert into her mouth.

You chuckled as you ate yours a little slower; allowing yourself to enjoy the deliciousness a little longer.

And, the longer it took you to finish it, the more time you get to spend out with her. You enjoy these moments with her and though they don't always come around as much as you wish they did, it always makes you cherish these moments you do get with her even more so.

"Me too."

She looked up from her dessert and saw you staring at hers. She smiled and nodded toward it. "Do you want a taste?"

You nodded and watched as she gathered some on her spoon.

But, suddenly, you were leaning over and hooking your fingers under her chin to press your lips against hers. She dropped it from her hand and heard the clatter as it fell onto the table, but she didn't care one bit.

Not only could you taste the dessert on her lips, but she could taste the dessert on yours, as well. She found herself nearly craving the taste of your lips as they moved against her own.

But, all too soon, you were pulling away and sitting back against the booth with a smirk on your lips. You chuckled at the look of surprise on her face and watched a bright smile tug at her lips.

"And to think I was gonna offer you some off of the spoon... your way is much better than mine." She chuckled as she licked her lips. "Want more?"

You nodded and she went to lean in for another kiss. But, instead, you grabbed the spoon from the bowl and took a couple more bites then fell back against the booth once more.

"Mean," she teased and watched your eyes light up.

You leaned forward and pecked her lips lovingly.


"Better." She nodded and you both started to eat once more, but a little faster this time around so you could leave the restaurant soon and continue your date night out before you had to get home.

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