you fall asleep in the car

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You fixed the blanket over your lap to keep yourself warm from the chilly morning air rushing through the car.

While Madison loaded your things into the trunk of the car you got everything ready in the front. You put on some music, something calming for the drive ahead. You'll be spending the next three hours in the car and you wanted to make sure you were both comfortable the entire time.

Some water and some snacks in the front compartment. Your seat laid back just slightly and a good playlist full of some of your favorite songs and you were ready to hit the road.

The trunk was closed before Madison was opening the car door then closing it behind her as she climbed into the driver seat. Before she'd drive away she turned to you. "Got everything, baby? Ready for the next week of relaxation? No worries about work or anything of that sort. Just you and me in a cabin where we can relax and spend time together."

You were getting excited! It sounded like a dream. Both of you were overworked and stressed, so this vacation was much needed for both of you. Not to mention, seven days of quality time with Madison. Just the two of you. It warmed your heart.

"I'm so ready."

She grinned, eyes crinkling as they sparkled with happiness. She leaned over and cupped your cheek with the palm of her hand, capturing your lips with her own as she brought you in for a loving kiss.

"Okay. Let's hit the road!" She put her seatbelt and made sure yours was on too before she was pulling out of the driveway and turning onto the street.

You relaxed as the lights in the car turned off. You turned the music up just a little, singing along here and there as you stared out the window. You love being in the city, but you have to admit that it annoys you as well sometimes. Escaping from the chaos and the madness was what you really needed.

The sun was hidden behind the clouds. The rain wasn't falling, at least not yet. But you enjoyed it. It only seemed to relax you more.

You felt Madison take ahold of your hand. You smiled at her and she brought it to her lips to give your knuckles a kiss before she let go. "What should we do when we get there?" She wondered.

"Sleep." You laughed, making her do the same. "I don't know. Whatever you want. I'm okay with anything. I'm just excited to spend time with you."

She nodded in agreement. Hitting a stoplight, she leaned over to steal a quick kiss from your lips before focusing back on the road. The light turned green. There was a comfortable silence hanging in the air. The music playing was joyful and Madison hummed along to it as she drove.

All of this relaxed you. With an early start to the morning, you found yourself feeling a little sleepy. You tucked the blanket around yourself a little tighter and leaned your head back against the seat. You yawned and closed your eyes.

"I've missed you lately." She said and waited for you to respond, but you never did. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked over at you. "Y/N?"

Her heart practically melted in her chest when she saw you were sound asleep. You looked precious. She knows you're exhausted, so she didn't dare wake you. Instead, every time she'd hit a red light, she'd just gaze over at you and admire the sweet sight of you sleeping soundly.

"Love you, my baby. Can't wait to spend every minute of these next seven days with you." She mumbled and kissed your head. Turning her attention back to the road, she continued to drive when the light turned green once more.

She couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of her face. She was just so happy, and so in love with you.

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