34 echoed

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I hadn't seen him in weeks. London was clearly keeping him busy. Even when I called to apologize he wouldn't pick up. I had seen pictures of us together while I was in London with him. I was happy he was happy. Why did I have to open my mouth. I walked down the road and found a taxi. As I got in. I saw a head pop up from the crowd. Robin. I quickly got into the taxi.
"DRIVE PLEASE." I locked my door. As the taxi drove away. Robin smiled at me and waved. I couldn't go back to my apartment. What about Amy. He would hurt her. I pulled out my phone. I dialed her number.
"Hey, what's up. Did he call you ye-"
"Don't go to your apartment!"
"What do you mean I'm there right now...is this about Robin. He tried to get in while you were away. Luckily the door man already knows about him. Besides we have better lockes here." I looked out the window again. He wasn't there.
"Yeah maybe your right...maybe his..I'm going crazy." I whispered.
"Where to miss." The driver looked at me.

I took my key card out. We are fighting right now I can't go in there.
I saw Robin. THAT WAS ROBIN. I'm going mad. I've gone crazy. I stood infront of Zoe's building. I turned and walked away. I crossed the road and began my journey back home.
"I'm going mad."
"Stacy." I knew that voice. I looked up. His brown eyes staring down at me. His curly hair brushed out.
"Robin." I sqeaked.
"Wow...it's really you." I slowly stepped back. He was acting nice alittle too friendly. I slowly stepped into traffic.
"Where are you going?" He held his hand out. He was almost believable. I only walked further in.
"No more...I'm never going back to you. I wasted so many years on you!" I said. The lights turned red. I watched in horror as he made a run for it. I quickly began running.
I ran back to Zoe's building. I could hear Robin call my name repeatedly. I pulled my key card out. I could see the doors to the apartment. I opend the door and ran in. Robin pushed it as it opend.
"Please hel-" Robin pulled my hair. He held the back of my neck tightly and squeezed. He liked to do that. Grabbing me by the neck.
"Miss Anson you know this person?"
"Y-yes..." Robin squeezed harder.
"Yeah my girlfriend. She's alittle drunk I'm just gonna take her upstairs." The gaurd smiled.
"Ohh how cute. What floor?" I showed him my key card.
"Stacy...what are you-" I turned my head quickly and Zoe was standing behind us. I hissed as I tired to move away from Robin.
"Who are you buddy?" Robins fingers were digging into my skin.
"Ohh Zoe I...um.." Zoe reached out for my hand and Robin pulled us back.
"I should be asking you who you are." The guard came forward.
"This lovely gentleman was taking his girlfriend to the penthouse. She's alittle drunk."
"Really." Zoe walked closer to us. Zoe reached out with one hand and pushed Robin off me. Robin stumbled back.
"That's my apartment." Zoe pulled me away from him. I quickly stood behind him. Robin quickly stood up.
"You must be Robin." Zoe pulled Robins hand and shook it. Hard.
"It's nice to finally meet you." I'd never seen him truly angry until now. I watched as Robin bent over in pain as Zoe continued to squeeze his hand.
"Hey man what the fu-". Zoe pulled his hair. The gaurd tried to intervene but Zoe pushed him aside. As if he were a bug.
"Robin. If you ever come near her again. I will break both your legs." Zoe let him go.
Robin looked at me in a panic. Zoe slapped him so hard it echoed.
"Don't even look at her." Zoe whispered something in his ear and then stood up. Robin quickly stood up and ran out the building. Zoe turned and looked at me.
"I..I'm sorry i didn't have anywhere else to go." I sobbed. He held his arms out.
"It's okay.." He hugged me. I squeezed him tightly.
"Im sorry.."

Liking Zoe BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now