4 a sin to look that good.

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After I had sent the picture to the group. Jammie had made it her mission to see him with her own eyes. I was busy at the back of the vinyl store and clearing out vinyls that were too old to sell and ones that were were planning to ship out to online buyers. Jammie had just walked in when I was moving boxes.
"Tell me his here today."
"I told you he comes at like 11. Once a week. Whenever he feels like it."
She placed her hand on her hips. "Damn. Where's Mrs Ross?"
"You know at the back baking it up." I said pointing to the kitchen. She strutted into the kitchen. I walked into the cafe and began wiping the tables. We were about to close anyway. I began placed chairs on top of tables. The doors to the store opened. It was him. His hair was tied back and he looked like he had been jogging. He wore a vest and shorts. He had tattoos everywhere. They were placed on his body like stickers. I couldn't move. How can one person look this good. He looked at me and smiled.
"Coffee again. To go though, please." I immediately went to the coffee machine.


I didn't get a reply back. Jammie walked out and stood at the door. The man was facing away from us. He was busy on the phone. Jammie stood next to me.
"Holy shit" Just as Jammie said that he turned around.
"Holy shit you nearly burnt me."
"Omg I'm so sorry." I said playing along.
"Are we good ladies." He said. His smile on full display.

"It should be a sin to look that fuckin good." Jammie and I walked out the store and I closed and locked all the doors.
"That's what the devil looks like human. Yeap the devil is among us." Jammie held her chest.
"That big nose suits him. Goes with his whole face." I said.
"Wait till Amy hears about this. Man he looks so familiar though."

The bath water was so nice on my body. It had been a long and repetitive week. I looked at my arms the bruise were finally fading away. I brushed my arm. This wasn't going to happen anymore. I sighed. I have my friends now. I closed my eyes and the coffee shop mans' face popped up in my head. I sat up.
Damnit. If I dream about him.

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