49 Robin

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I rolled over and Zoe was right infront of me. I pulled the sheets.
"Morning." I mumbled.
He sat up.
"Hello." He kissed my cheek. I pulled away.
"I just woke up.." He kissed my neck.
"I've kissed someone right after they threw up." He climbed on top of me.
"We are both still very naked." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"Yeah. Are we having a second round. Or is it a third round." He smiled.
"I stopped counting after the first round." He held my hips.
"I've run out of condoms, we'll have to pause." He crawled off the bed. He walked into the bathroom. I immediately grabbed my phone and called Jammie.
"Guess what?"
"I know what. I figured once I called you and you didn't answer."
"Yeah we had sex like....three times  last night." Jumped off the bed.
"I'm happy for you...um. I have to go."
"Oh..are you okay?"
"Yeah...I just. I need to go." She dropped her phone. I frowned. Zoe walked out the bathroom holding a box of condoms.
"I found more." He smiled.


I dropped my phone.
"Why didn't you tell her?" I looked at Amy. She sounded happy. For the first time in a long time.
Amy and I walked out the apartment.
"How are we going to tell her that Robins back and loud. I was just lucky that Charlie was there." We climbed into the car. Fuck that crazy bastard. He followed me home and demanded I tell him where Stacy was. Fucking loser. Amy sighed.
"She's safer in LA."
"Yeah but how long before he flies there and hurts her." Amy opend the window.
"We have to tell the boyfriend atleast."
"Shit, He could be on his way." Amy said. She pulled out her phone. We stopped at a red light. Amy gave me her phone. It was a picture of Stacy with Zoe.
"Would you look at that they have their location on the article."
We both sighed.
"We also have to tell her mom."
"We should probably call her soon."


Zoe and I walked into a fancy restaurant. He placed his hand on my back. A man with red glasses waved at us. Zoe rolled his eyes.
"That's my uncle and his husband." We made our way to their tablet.
"My uncle Francis and his husband Jason." They both stood up. We hugged.
"It's nice to finally meet you. Zoe would have kept you all to himself." We all sat at the same time.

We all laughed. Zoe's phone began to ring. He excused himself. I watched him walk away.
"I'm sure his never mentioned us." Francis said. I nodded my head.
"It's hard to fish out any information from him." I said.
"If you would excuse me." I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I walked into an empty stall with only one toilet. I walked in and closed the door. I relieved myself and my full bladder. When a shadow stepped right infront of my door.
"Excuse me I'm in here."

Liking Zoe BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now