32 Prince Zuko

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The sun had come and gone and we had to move our little party indoors. The guys ended up playing video games while Lila, Jammie and I sat together on a large sofa watching them make fools of themselves. I picked up my bottle of  alcohol.
"Your boyfriend couldn't find a bonnet to save his life. I just watched him. You should have seen it. He ended up asking one of the workers there."  Jammie said.
"But you knew where the bonnets  where...why did you not help him."
"I wanted him to suffer." We giggled. Lila leaned in.
"How much have you guys drank?"
"4 bottles why.." she nodded her head.
"You guys wanna go upstairs? Watching them play video games is making me miss Charlie." We all stood up and stumbled up the stairs.

I found myself braiding Lila's hair. Jammie was doing her nails and some how teen wolf was on.
"Guys I have a question for you."
Lila said.
"Who was your sexual awakening." Jammie sat up.
"I'll go first. Human Shrek." We all laughed.
"I don't know...the guy from American dragon."
"So you basically had a crush on prince Zuko." Jammie laughed.
"Mine was Lilo's sister from Lilo and stich." Lila said.
"You know who else was hot for no reason the freaking guy from gravity falls. The one with the hoodie." We all burst out laughing. It wasn't even that funny but the alcohol made it seem so. Zoe walked in.
"We have pizza downstairs."
"Wait before you go who was your cartoon crush as a child." Jammie said.
"Just tell us.."
"Who was yours?" He looked at me.
"I said the main character from American dragon. I also liked pocahontas. Her fiance.."
"Yeap him too. Remember how many times we watched that." Jammie and I laughed.
"Okay I'm gonna go." Zoe turned around.
"Tell us." Jammie and Lila said together.
"I don't know i never think about stuff like that."
"I know..."
"What!" He blushed.
"The lady from treasure planet. Captian Amelia and the main character." Lila shouted. Zoe walked out. We all began to laugh.

"Tonight was fun." I said. Zoe was sitting on the floor. His laptop open.
"How are you working right now?" I sat with him.
"I have to prove some people wrong." He said. I picked up a page. It was about business. Marketing strategies.
"This is all new to me." He said.
"My mother studied business maybe I could ask her some questions." He smiled.
"Thank you. This is the first time I hear about your mother." He took his glasses of.
"She's private so I never really talk about her if she's not with me." He hummed.
"What about you?" His face changed. His eyes looked away from me.
"There's nothing to tell." His voice low.
"Oh okay..." He stood up.
"Now bedtime" He took my hand.
"Help me up." He helped me up.
"Wanna have sex?"
"Right to the point huh."

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