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val: so the fans are what motivate you to like keep on going ?

j: yeah it's like the edits, they little personal messages I get from them saying they love me and are appreciative of us. Like just the unconditional support, everything I love them so much they don't even know.

awe that warmed my heart.

j: so what's the REAL reason you didn't tell me about or any of the guys about your brother
I feel him look down on me

val: I just felt like it wasn't necessary, he only comes like once a year for his birthday then heads back up north. So you would probably wouldn't have seen him if we didn't start like talking. But also most people like flee as I say "I have an older brother and were pretty close" . But now I don't regret it because he likes you.

j: yeah it kinda like lifted the weight off my shoulders when he said he likes me, so now I know I can be comfortable with him and build a relationship with him.
I feel him look off

val: And I love that, were both committing or are committed to this. Even though it isn't like official, I don't know where I'm going with this convo anymore
I chuckle

j: I get where you're tryna go, you like where this is going.

val: yeah, I love how it's going. the adventures, the bond everything about this.

it went quiet after that, but it was a good quiet. We just sat there on the bench just listening to the waves crash against the sand and looking at the moon go deeper and deeper into the water. I didn't care what time it was, what only mattered was that I was here with someone I like... that's all.

j: so what's your like DREAM like no bullshit
he says breaking the silence

val: didn't we already talk about this ?
I look up at him

j: yeah but like your real dream not the realistic one

val: A beach house in Malibu, while owning a veterinary hospital, 2 kids with my person, my dream cars with an Audi r8 on the side, having you guys live on the same block, then my mom living close so she could see her grandchildren, and lastly... meeting sung kang and getting to drift with him.
I say looking away

j: wow... that is a dream, I believe you can achieve that
I feel him look down

val: yeah but I need to apply to colleges then get a job and enroll canela in a day care. It almost seems like too much.
I look at my fingers

j: it is a lot but you can manage it and if you need help you can always ask us and even my mom.
I feel him smile

val: thanks julian
I lift my head off his shoulder and look at him

j: anytime
his smile gets wider

I seen that the sun was rising, it gave julian a good glow to his skin. We just stayed there looking at each other and getting lost in each other's eyes, not a word said. But we knew what we wanted, so he began to lean in and so did I. Hoping that it wouldn't be interrupted i wanted this more than anything, I could tell he did to. I took no time into pushing our lips together, it was somewhat magical. We got deeper into the kiss and when we backed away from each other he had that sparkle in his eye. Like a twinkle, I remember from somewhere that it means your looking at the person you love. But before words could slip out of my mouth he went back in for another one, this time it felt more passionate than the other. Once we backed up again I still seen that sparkle. His face was glowing, it had a specific glow.

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Where stories live. Discover now