
654 11 5

val: sorry I dont share
I tease

j: well now you do
he smiles

val: fine your the only exception
I slightly smile

FUCK I CAN'T KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE WITH HIM. ugh he makes me feel something I have never felt.

j: soooo how'd you meet jes
he turns in his seat to face me

val: I met her in 8th grade at like our grad night
I shift in my seat also

j: same group ?

val: nah danny ditched me for a girl and my other friends had girls, so I sat next to her by the pool tables.

j: the fuck your school had pools tables ?

val: no we had it at a college nearby, we started talking then instantly clicked.

j: kinda a story, but Danny really ditched you ?!
he says surprised

val: yeah for a girl he just met
I laugh remembering it

j: damn I'd never leave someone like you

val: yeah right
I look at him with a "stop capping" smirk

j: I'm for real
he laughs

val: okay buddy

worker: hello sir ?
they knock

j: oh
he rolls down the window

worker: heres the slushies
he hands them to him

j: thank you

worker: so a blue raspberry and a grape candy slush right ?
he raised an eyebrow at julian

j: yeah
he confirmed

worker: okay have a good night sir

j: you too
he rolls the window back up

he handed me my slush and the straw, I took a sip and instantly fell in love.

j: is it good
he says taking a sip of his

val: bomb as fuck
I say sipping mines more

j: this shit is bomb too
he says pointing at it

val: okay let me try it
I say reaching for it

I get a grab over his hand and pull it my way, I take a sip and get a big sip of it. I chew the nerds and drink the slush, he wasnt lying when he said it was bomb also.

j: let me try yours
he does the same

I kinda blushed, his excitment was cute. His eyes widened realizing it was good, then proceeded to take more gulps of the drinks.

val: hey !
I snatch it

he hold his finger out while I sip the slush, greedy much Jacob ?

j: it was bomb what do you expect ?

val: dont drink the whole thing asshole

j: my bad damn

val: omg

j: what

val: we should make this a segment in like vlogs
I say pointing at the camera

to be honest... I forgot it was recording

j: wait I'd be down

val: let julian know in the comments if you would like to see more of this
I say smiling w my teeth

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Where stories live. Discover now