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we head back and the cousins are inside wondering what happened.

f: the fuck ?

lowg: she heard everything you said

I look at julian and seen guilt all over his face

j: like all of it
he looks down

d: yup, she drove of with a car.. and I dont know who's it was

f: fuck

lowg: it's either we go after her or you do julian

we all look at julian, he walked to get his keys and drove off. We all went to moms room and said bye and that Valerie's leaving with us. We all went into our cars and left the house tryna find her.


why am I so hurt ? I should've known this was coming, jes is a hoe. No one can deny that... but why does she always get the guy first ? why is it always her over me ?

my phone starts ringing

val: hello

jes: hey girly ! where are you ?!?

val: on my way
I hang up

i need to confront her about this, it's not okay. Once i get to her house i unlock the door and storm into her room

jes: hey what's up?
she sits up

val: really ?

jes: woah what's with the anger
she says kinda scared

val: awe come on we know
I say getting angrier and angrier

jes: no-
I interrupt her with a solid punch to the jaw

as she collapsed on the floor I start to kick her, then I trashed her room. Lastly I left a note saying "I thought you learned already but I guess not... were done hoe" . Then left her room and seen her parents, I told them the drinking and drugs shes been doing. But told them we got inna fight and shes knocked out on the floor, to be honest. They knew what she was and what people classified her as, I've told them about this problem before and told me to always put her in her place if I need to. So I left the house and went to a frozen yogurt place, I payed for my thing and ate it inside. I got dozens of texts from the boys but I chose to ignore them. Out of all of them I know Danny would find me

??: val ?
I look up


val: hey frank
I say finishing up

f: let's go

val: okay, thank you!
I say to the employees

worker: have a nice day

val: you too
we walk out

f: listen, julian didnt mean it. hes a real good guy under

val: yeah but now he doesnt seem like one, do you know how it feels ?

f: why do you think I'm cold hearted ? I couldn't have been like this just cause, someone turned me into this.

val: yeah and ur cousin might be the one to turn me into you
I walk off

I get in my car and start it, I drive off and see in my rearview mirror frank looking heartbroken asf. I mean I know it's tough times for the three of us but I'm hurt asf. I got to a parking structure and sit at the top and look overhead at the city. i take out my air pods and take out one, then start to play whatever was next.... but "pluto projector" was next. I just sit there thinking about julian. What would happen if I didnt listen ? imagining how things would be right now. But why am I so hurt ? I've haven't been this hurt since the first time it happened, does julian genually mean something to me ? or is it the fact that me and jes were getting good. Was this all in my head and I'm in a dream ?

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Where stories live. Discover now