treinta nueve

363 6 2

They both made their way down the steep hill, Val held Julian's shoulders for stability because he was leading them also because he went down this 100+ times. His heart was racing... thinking what if he slipped, what if she fell, what if it all goes wrong? Thinking about all the possibilities.. no matter how bad or how good.

Val thought about what he was gonna do, how he was gonna react, where he's taking her, if he's brought any other girls here, how long has he known this place. All the possibilities also, once they made it to flat ground she made the move to hold his hand. He looked at her and smiled.. gripping her hand tightly making sure none of them let go. Once they finally got to the place he tells her

jul: can you grab the other side please
she does

They both hold down the sheet with some heavy rocks nearby, Julian takes out some snacks and lays them out.

val: so how do you know about this place ?
she looks at him

jul: I used to come here a lot with some friends and by myself, it's a calm place and I usually come here to steam off.
he looks off

val: So this is your hideout....
she takes a deep sigh

jul: I'm guessing yours is the beach in your hometown?

val: don't make it seem like I'm famous...
they laugh

val: it used to be.... before I took my ex to it. Now when I go I'm just flooded with memories. It's like watching a bad movie over and over again at the your favorite person's house
she looks down

jul: yeah I get you... it's like each time you go it's like being a ghost in the same loop over and over.
she nods

val: anyway off the sad stuff... should we exchange gifts now?
he nods

jul: ladies first
they giggle

val: open the letter when you get home, I don't want it to get too mushy mushy here.

jul: is this a build a bear box ?
he laughs

val: wait how did you know

jul: because I got you the same thing
val starts laughing

val: I guess I should open it too

They unwrapped each others gifts, both smiling at the box. Julian opened his and seen a snow cap polar bear, it smelt good so he smelled it of course. He fell in love with the scent, he also seen there was something else in the box.. a perfume. He looked at it confused, but he instead looked at the clothes. It was dressed up like how Val would wear her clothes, he accidentally pressed a button and the bear started talking.

val: wait i-
she realized it was too late

pb: hey uhm... wow this is awkward everyone is looking at me
val laughs nervously

pb: but just a reminder each and everyday I'm separated from you is a day I grow closer to you. I love you more and more everyday and start to notice little cute things about you. But for that being said... I love you Julian.
you hear val giggle

He was at loss of words... she said it before he could ever even display it. Val was embarrassed slightly, she told the truth but didn't expect him to figure it out THAT fast. All she could do was blush while looking away. It took some time for julian to process but he wanted her to press the button too.

jul: open mines
he softly smiles

Val opens his, it was a baby Yoda one. He always cheered her up with pretending to be getting into a fight with baby Yoda for looking at her "in a certain way". So he took his chance, he even bought his cologne and put it in there...the same as she did with her perfume. She figured.. since hers has a voice memo why wouldn't his? She pressed the button and it said.

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Where stories live. Discover now