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I get up and dust myself off, flipping Danny off was my first instinct. I proceeded to follow behind julian to the enchiladas, all of us getting plates and serving how much we want. once frank was done julian looked at me and did the gentleman thing where they wave their hand for you to go, me not being used to a gentleman I looked at him weird. He kept motioning for me to go and I kept on looking at him weird then my mom stepped in

mom: he wants you to go mija

val: oh right
I say clearly embarrassed

I put my head down to hide my blush, I serve what I want and head to the table. of course those assholes left a seat where me and julian are right next to each other and its next to mf danny. I take my seat and julian comes not so after me, my mom of course looking at the both of us while the boys are on their phones doing who knows what. I start eating like the fatass I am, i look to my side danny is almost done with his plate. Like what the fuck ?!? I swear men eat like they haven't eating in days or even weeks.

lowg: so how long have you known danny ?
he looks at my mom

mom: since the summer of Valerie's freshman year
she looks at me proud

frank: wait hold on... you said you've known him since high school. what really happened?
me and danny look at each other

yeah uhm a little twist me and Danny have known each other since 7th grade... we talked and dated for a little. But this was before like he met them and they formed sweetea.

mom: you didn't tell them ?
she looks at me like "seriously"

danny: no we haven't

mom: well that's my time
she quickly leaves the room

lowg: told us what Danny and val ?
he looks at me sus

val: me and Danny talked and dated for a little bit
I look down


val: me and danny talked and dated for a little bit
my eyes widen

oh... I mean it's fine, Danny or frank usually get the girls. right ? it's fine.


Danny 🤢
don't take it to heart, we didnt do anything I swear. she likes you bro i know it


i shouldn't take it to heart right ? i mean it was a dumb middle school relationship. he even said they didnt do anything, I mean should I trust Danny ? yeah hes my brother but should I ? I'm just gonna trust him on that one


yeah of course me and danny didn't do anything, we were dumb middle schoolers who didn't know anything but pecks, but we never did anything like that. we were the most talked about relationship and that's all we needed, no making out or kissing we just needed to hug infront of people and get hyped.

danny: but we didn't do anything stupid

j: so you guys just kissed ?
he said kinda madly

val: no we were the most talked about couple. that's all we needed

Danny: yeah we hugged and held hands but that's it. just a dumb middle school relationship.

val: yeah a dumb middle school relationship that gave us popularity

frank: do you guys still have feelings for each other?
he points at us

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt