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j: the fuck are you hiding for you're literally in the middle
he giggles

ahh this man huh ?

val: I've said too much and will now be quiet
I pretend to zip my mouth

all look back to the camera and start answering questions, of course I laugh to their jokes because their funny. Then we go to their friends house.

the boys: ayyyyy !
they say coming in

j: by the way our friends short
he whispers to me

we all head in and I finally get sight of the guy... julian wasnt playing when he said he was short. hes almost my height and that's scary. He looks at me and says

?: who the fuck is she
he says pointing at me and smiling

lowg: Julian's girl
he teases

?: you finally gotta girl julian ?
he looks at him

j: no motherfucker that's valerie, a friend of ours

f: more like a friend of Danny
he says collapsing on the couch

n: well I'm nick
he shakes my hand

val: nice to meet you shortie
I say smiling

n: not that much taller tho
he says smiling and tilting his head

?: okay let's film
another guy says

logan, nick and another guy head to the balcony. So the rest of us are just chillin in the living room and kitchen. I just collapse on the couch and scroll through tiktok. I see julian across the room, I start to look at him. Man... I want to say I'm glad everything happened but.. what if this leads to nothing ? I mean he's every girls dream, he could literally ditch me for anyone. but just look at him, his jawline, his lips, his smile, his nose, everything... if he just knew everything. No I don't think he should know EVERYTHING but like some stuff. Because what if I tell him the truth and he looks at me differently ? then I just lost something. But look at how perfect he is... he everything I've ever wanted in a guy.

he looks at me, I look away

see now you made a fool outta yourself, oh shit why is he walking towards the couch ?

goes to the balcony

oh thank god, I would died if he said something, dating him ? nahh you know what happens to a girl when she dated a highly attractive and famous Male. She gets hated on and even if she ignores it.. it'll all go to her head one day. I hope that's not how their fans are, all I want is to make new friends.

they all come in

they all come inside and make tiktoks.

d: ayo I gotta go take my girl somewhere
he says pointing at the door

everyone: alright bye
he leaves

great.. my own comfort just left. I sit there awkwardly, going through insta to pass time. I check my messages and none.. my phones dry like a motherfucker, as it always is. Then I go on tiktok, i scroll for a good hour or so and they all start to die down. Julian collapsed beside me on the couch, he sat there for a good minute until.

j: so what was the staring for
my eyes widen

val: uhm.. I was just thinking

j: about what
he raises an eyebrow

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Where stories live. Discover now