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what the fuck am I supposed to tell him ? she gave me the look... also he's totally hypnotized by her sister.

he sits me on the counter

j: here
he hands me a cold water

val: thank you
I slightly smile

j: so how long have you had that bruise

val: ever since my last skate sesh..
I look down

yeah uhm... quick little pause. when I used to skate I would skate with some of my friends I met at the park, they would always hype me up to make me feel like I could do anything. once we were at this school and I tried doing stairs... of course I could do the two and four step ones but I got wayy to hyped up to so the 12 step. once I did that I dislocated my shoulder and it had to be popped in on sight and the guy who did that didn't do it right. so my mom took me to the hospital and they popped it in right but said that whomever did it left damage and I'll never be able to skate again.

j: you okay
he moves closer

val: yeah I'm alright just kinda sad how I ended

j: what happened if you dont mind me asking

I go on to tell him the story... he kept eye contact with me. I could tell he felt bad, I mean I do too but it lead me here. if i could still skate i would probably be skating right now at this exact moment and not even be at the party.

j: man.. I'm sorry

val: its alright, shit happens. but plus is I'm here
he looks at me confused

val: I wouldn't be here right here at this exact moment hanging out with you if I could still skate. I would be with the homies right now tryna do a manual.
he raises his eyebrows

j: so you're telling me if you skated you woulda ditched the party and went to the skate park ?

val: yessir I would've been at one of their houses right now or possibly home
I smile

j: damn, i mean would you at least talked to me ?
he inched closer

val: at some point I would've when I got the courage.

j: the courage ? what am I too pretty or something?
he smiles

yes you fucking idiot

val: maybe...maybe not ? would you have at least talked to me ?
I start to get invested

j: I mean of course a girl like you should be worth speaking to
he scooted a little closer

val: awwe your calling me pretty ?
I try to hide my blush

man wasnt it getting hot in here

j: I mean who wouldn't ?
he comes infront of me

oh shit I'm not prepared

val: your just as pretty as me
I scoot closer to him

j: oh really you think I'm handsome ?
his face inched closer with a smile

if that smile could kill I wouldve been dead for the millionth time

val: no more like..
i inched closer

okay but now one swift move and we kiss

val: hot
I smile

he looks at my eyes and lips, I do the same. we inch closer and

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora