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I wake up and see julian with a bouquet of my favorite flowers, standing infront of my dream car. He was wearing a suit and we were by where it seemed too familiar, almost like I've been here but I know I haven't. I walk up to him and was about to kiss him when

j: val
he shakes me

val: hm?
I hum half awake

j: I needa use the restroom
he says moving his body away from me

val: oh okay sorry
I scoot

I scoot over and julian gets up quickly and heads to the bathroom.


why !?!? I was happily asleep, dreaming about val then it got sexual ?!? I mean I know most dates go like that but what the fuck ? I didnt have the nerve to tell her I got hard, julian literally what's wrong with you ? I mean there's only one way


I close my eyes again but i can't, like julian? in a dream ? what the fuck is wrong with me. Were literally friends that flirt.... right ?

she picks up her phone

4:30 a.m !?!? ugh let me just face the other way and sleep.


okay I'm done and cleaned up, now time to face her. I enter the room and see her turn over and go into a ball, I do feel bad though. I woke her up and now she cant sleep, fuck. I lay next to her and face the other way, I close my eyes but nothing. I have to much on my mind, too much to process.


go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep. fuck, just turn around

she turns

there is the man I cant sleep because of.

he turns


j: I'm sorry

val: for what

j: waking you up

val: no it's okay
I slightly smile

j: you sure ?

val: yeah totally
I close my eyes

I was getting tired, at the worst moment too.

j: val ?

val: hm ?

j: nevermind, sweet dreams
he kisses my forehead

I was too tired to think of anything, I fell asleep.


I walked up to my skyline r34, I buckled up and went on a late night drive. I seen the stars and a full moon, it was a beautiful sight. Once I got to the hill I sat on my hood admiring the scenery, it was too beautiful I was gonna cry. Then a brz pulled up next to me, it was wrapped in candy purple. The person who came out wasnt who I thought it was gonna be, it was my ex from high school. He had Julian's body but not Julian's face. But then it morphed into Julian's face quickly. He set up a little picnic and we ate sandwiches with boba and cake. he looked at me and said

j: happy birthday idiot
he smiled

val: thank you dumbass
I smile back

I couldn't control my actions, it was like I was watching but in the perspective of me. Well no shit but it was still weird, it was like an episode of something and I had to watch it play out like a movie. But then everything started to fade out, I woke up in Julian's arms again. I grabbed my phone and it said 10:55 a.m, kinda early but also not. I slid out of his arms and just went on my phone, i looked at everything and my phone was dry like a mf. I took a picture of julian and just looked at it, he even was a pretty sleeper. Like what the fuck ? how are you pretty when ur sleeping ?!? I wanna know.

𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙯Where stories live. Discover now