Lights! Camera! Action!

Start from the beginning

"Why not the character though??" Denki asked as Uraraka shrugged.

"I mean, not all the time. But most of my roles are just, hate-able." She laughed as she was seen acting as Teresa from Maze Runner.

"Why do I find that so accurate?!" Hagakure and some book nerds laughed at the comment.

"So how did you become an actor?" Denki asked as Todoroki hissed.

"That's a long story." Todoroki laughed as Denki chuckled at his nervousness.

"I actually studied as an artist, but some of my friends told me I should try going to the theater and start acting. Then I met Toshinori Yagi, he got me into the industry and here I am." Deku explained as he was seen in an art studio with Toshinori Yagi.

"I also used to be a stun double for Shindo Yo, so I was already a little involved with acting." Deku added as a picture of Shindo and Deku standing beside each other with mirroring poses.

"Ahh...No wonder."

"My dad was part of the industry for a long time. You've seen him in a lot of movies, I bet. Then that's just it." Todoroki shrugged as Denki gaped.

"That's not a long story."

"I just summarized it, you want me to go off?"

"NO WE ONLY HAVE LIMITED TIME!" Denki yelled as Todoroki laughed.

"So basically your dad forced you into acting." Denki clarfied as Todoroki nodded.

"Pretty much."

"I guess there is no real difference on my dad." Shouto said as Enji sighed.

"Can I go with one chapter not bullying me?"

"I don't know, can I?"

"I worked with Deku for a long time, ever since high school He got me in. That's it." Uraraka just said as a picture of Deku and Uraraka playing in Hamlet for their high school play.

"No tragic backstory?"

"No tragic backstory.."


"Before we continue on with the world of Acting we'll give our dear actors 20 seconds to state 10  of their roles in movies. Ready, Go!"

"I play female and male characters; Thomas in Maze Runner, Willaim Turner from Pirates of the Carribean, Anna from Anna, Hiro from Big Hero 6, Captain America from Avengers, Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts, Miss Honey in Matilda, Snow White from Snow White and the Huntsman, Chloe from The Last Witch Hunter, and Janice from Mean Girls the Musical."

"Man, you do a lot. How come you do female roles?" Denki asked as Deku shrugged.

"The industry said that my body type is quite feminine, or basically a twink kind of bod. Which is why if there aren't any female actors available, they'll have to get me to make the mark." Deku joked as Denki gaped.

"Why is Deku always a twink?!"

"BeCAUse hE iSsss!"

"Minhu from Maze Runner, Bucky from Avengers, Torch from Fantastic 4, Karma from Assassination Classroom the Movie, Kevin from Home Alone, The Boy from The Boy, Henry from Ouija; The Origin, Tadashi from Big Hero 6, David from Project Almanac and Ender from Ender's Game."

"Teresa from Maze Runner, Black Widow from Avengers, Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, Salt from Salt, Enola from Enola Holmes, Jean from X-men, Belle from the Beauty and the Beast, Beth Harmon from Queen's Gambit and Maleficent from Maleficent."

"Wow, empowered characters. You go girl!" Denki high-fived Uraraka who just giggled

"Alright going into the more serious questions." Denki said as Uraraka bops her brows up and down.

"OoOooooo, serious~. Never thought I see you being serious for once." Uraraka laughed as Denki gave a straight face.

"Wheeze." Denki said as he wheezed while everyone just chuckled.

"What part of being an actor do you hate the most?" Denki asked as Uraraka sighed.

"I hate crowds in general, and when I'm out without a disguise people just crowd me for an autograph. So whenever I wanna go out to have dinner with my parents, go shopping with friend I have to wear a disguise. Like, a legit disguise." Uraraka said as Denki nodded.

"That struggle is undeniably annoying, not gonna lie." Hawks said as Miruko nodded.

"Especially those pesky paparazzi."

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