Candy Store and--WAIT

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"Continuation goes BRRRR." Joshi said as the screen shows the next portion.

"What? I'm not doing that." Izuku said as he held a letter in her hand.

"That would totally break her heart you monster." Izuku said as Bakugou cackled evilly before glaring at her.

"Are we gonna have a problem?" Bakugou asked as Izuku was being cornered.

"You got a bone to pick? You've come so far why now are you pulling on my dick?"

The guys couldn't help but chuckle, as Bakugou face palms at the joke

"I'd normally slap your face off and everyone here could watch. But I'm feeling nice--"

"Understatement." Denki said as he got bonked on the head by Bakugou.

"Here's some advice. Listen up, biotch!" Bakugou shoved Izuku onto the lockers as the trio waved their hips and dance around her.

"I like!"

"Lookin' hot, buying stuff they cannot" Bakugou sang, raising a ring on her finger made of rubies.

"I like!"

"Drinkin' hard, maxin' Dad's credit card." Bakugou sang, holding up her dad's credit card.

"I like!"

"Skippin' gym, scaring her, screwing him" Bakugou sang as she glares at Tsuyu and flirts with Tokoyami.

"I like!"

"Killer clothes." Bakugou sang and cleans her jacket.

"Kickin' nerds in the nose!" The trio sang, while doing a split kick.

"Nice legs." Kirishima joked as Bakugou grinned.

"I could say the same for you."

"If you lack the balls. You can go play dolls. Let your mommy fix you a snack." Bakugou laughed as Izuku tried to push away.


"Or you could come smoke. Pound some rum and coke,in my Porsha with the quarterback." Bakugou sang before pulling Izuku down to somewhere.

"Smoking is unhealthy and addictive! That shouldn't be--"

"Pipe down, child. We gets it." Mimi sighed as she covered his mouth with a tape.

"Honey, whatchu waitin' for? Welcome to my candy store!" The trio sang as they showed Izuku a large candy store, which overwhelmed her.

"It's time for you to prove you're not a loser anymore." Bakugou sang as she handed a lollipop to Izuku, who closed the doors of the candy store and walked away.

"Then step into my candy store." The blonds growled as the trio caught up with Izuku, tripping over Koda who was walking by.

"Guys fall."

"At your feet. Pay the check." Monoma sang as she rolled her eyes at the shy boy, who panicked before walking away.

"Help you cheat." Kirishima crossed her arms, while glaring at the boy.

"All you!"

"Have to do is--" Monoma held Izuku's shoulder's while Bakugou held her chin.

"Say goodbye to Shamoo." Bakugou sang as she faced Izuku at Uraraka who sat with Tsuyu and Iida.

"That freak's"

"I'm not a freak!" Uraraka yelled as Deku started to fume at the insults being thrown at his bestie sister.

"Not your friend I can tell in the end." Kirishima sang as she pat Izuku on the back.

"If she!"

"Had your shot." Monoma pointed at Izuku while the trio circled around her

"She would leave you to rot!" They declared as Izuku huffed, trying to ignore their comment.

"Wouldn't I swear." Uraraka said as she shook Izuku who was trying to keep his temper.

"'Course if you don't care. Fine! Go braid her hair maybe Sesame Street is on." Kirishima teased before twirling Izuku around, only for Monoma to 


"Or forget the creep." Kirishima hissed as Monoma drives up to them with a jeep.

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