The Golden Boys

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"Wanna see a bunch of trouble makers?" Joshi asked as Endeavor rolls his eyes.

"Why would we want that?" Endeavor hissed before Joshi laughed.

"No one asked you." Joshi said as Endeavor looks at her in confusion>

Little Izuku's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight hits his eyes. His eyes shot open leaving the bed, only to fall on the ground.

"What?" Izuku muttered, looking at his legs seeing that they were now made of porcelin?

"Woah, what happened to his legs?" Denki asked as Yuki sighed.

"Explained later."

"I apologize if you feel uncomfortable with the replacement, I had no other materials to work with." Izuku looked up to see----

"Professor Yagi---"

"Call me Toshinori." The blond insisted as he helped up the greenett, only for him to lean onto the buff man.

"What happened?" He asked as the blond set the little boy on the bed.

"When you were in the caves with Young Bakugou, the rocks fell on your legs. Hence, why I had to replace them." Toshinori explained as Izuku stared at his mechanical legs, tapping them.

"What's me role here exactly?" All Might asked as Yuki hummed for a bit before explaining.

"You're a Professor in Professional Alchemy and Chemistry. As well as Surgical Sciences and Amputation." Yuki explained as All Might tilted his head.

"I wasn't exactly the smartest when i was younger." All Might noted embarrassingly as Yuki sighed.

"Alternate Universes my dear"

"Why can't I walk with them?"

"It takes practice." Toshinori said as Izuku whined before trying to stand. He tripped a bit before holding onto the table, before seeing the blond outstretch his hand. Izuku smiled before holding the man's calloused hand, only for the man to end up holding him up like a cat.

"You're so light."

"Pffft...Looks like Todoroki when Deku carries him around." Uraraka laughed as Iida chopped his hands, like usual, scolding her.

"OI! YOU'RE GONNA DROP ME! PUT ME DOWN!!!" Izuku yelled, swaying his feet as if he was trying to kick the man.

"Mr. Yagi." Izuku turned to see his mom with a bandage on her head. He remembered along the lines of her getting hit in the head by a rock and dragging her out of the cave.

"Ahh, Miss Inko. Right on time, your son's awake."

"Hmph, since awhile ago." Izuku huffed as Inko giggled before ruffling his head.

"Thank you so much, Izuku." She thanked as Izuku smiled before swaying his legs again.

"Anything for you mom!"


A pair of legs ran though the field as panting was heard. 

"Almost there." The figure muttered before sliding across the floor and reaching the flagpole.

"HA! I WON!" Izuku boasted before Bakugou and Todoroki collides with him, making both of them fall to the ground and hit their heads.

"That's gotta hurt so bad." Sero snorted as Bakugou started to growl at him.

"Owww...." Bakugou groaned as Izuku laughed hysterically before the blond jabbed him on the stomach.

"You got a head start." Todoroki hissed as the greenett stood up and stretched his arms

"No I was faster." Izuku grinned as Bakugou rolled his eyes before standing up and dusting himself.

"The floor's newly waxed, cut us some slack." Bakugou growled as the greenett just teased him.

"BOYS!!!!" The three boys cringed as they heard the door slam open to a fuming Enji Todoroki.

"What did I say about running in the halls?!?!" He scolded as Shouto groaned.

"Not to run in the halls." Shouto rolled his eyes before getting grabbed by the arm.

"And I told you to not play with these lowlifes." Enji scolded as Shouto turned the two boys and winked at them.

"Excuse mwah?" Bakugou and Izuku glared at Endeavor as Shouto couldn't help but giggle.

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