Dear Bakugou, The Feelings Mutual

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"Aight!" Joshi screamed before yeeting the DVD at Yuki who got it and slid it into the player.

"Deku hates Bakugou montage!"

Izuku walks into the dorm with his bag.

"So I have a roommate, nice. I wonder who'd it be?" Izuku asked himself only to open the door and lo and behold.

Bakugou Katsuki.

"Oh god." Everyone gasped, before laughing at the unfortunate demise.

They locked eyes on each other before Izuku slams the door.

"I can't even comprehend the unluckiness of my alternate." Izuku said as Bakugou felt a little pang on him.

"This has to be the wrong room, right?" Izuku asks himself, only seeing the matching dorm address with his.

"Dangit." Izuku grumbled before opening the door.

"Congratulations! You got yourself a roommate!" Izuku sarcastically said as Bakugou only snickered.

"Ha! As if." Bakugou yelled before getting a notification from his pocket.

Dear Katsuki Bakugou,

You will be having a roommate by XX XX XXXX. Please do not bother to kick him out or others to mention. His name is Izuku Midoriya.

Sorry for short notice,

Yours Truly. Nezu

"Dangit." Bakugou screamed as he throws his pillow at Izuku who only dodges it.

"Wow, you throw like a girl." Izuku said before Bakugou pointed his wand at him.

"I DO NOT!" Bakugou yelled as Izuku couldn't help but laugh.

"I feel like Izuku's a bad boy, or something." Todoroki said as Uraraka hummed.

"Maybe even an outcast." Momo deduced as Jirou nodded.

"Says the little son of an evil sorcerer and a witch. HA! No wonder why your hair looks like grass." Bakugou cackled as Izuku rolled his eyes, holding the point of Bakugou's wand downwards.

"Ahh, there it is, the little cherry on top of Deku's misery." Bakugou sarcastically said as Izuku sighed.

"How much misfortune can I get in one day??" Izuku whined as Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle.

"You really should be careful with that, because the last time I check you almost set your house on fire." Izuku teased as Bakugou fumed.

"Is that--"

"Nope, that's just your fucking imagination." Bakugou excused as Izuku couldn't help but laugh, remembering that one sleepover.

"That was one time you imbecile!" Bakugou screamed before tossing his wand to his table, which let out a spark that caught the curtains on fire.

"Doesn't look like a one time anymore." Shinsou grinned as Bakugou crossed his arms.

"Not again!" Bakugou groaned as he tries to blow it off, only for it to grow. Izuku got his wand then points at the growing flame, turning it into a puff of snow.

"You should really get that wand checked." Izuku smiled as Bakugou rolled his eyes, grabbing his wand and heading out the dorms

"You're still not my roommate." Bakugou growled while Izuku rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." Izuku grinned before putting his trunk under his bed.

"This is gonna be a long year." Izuku sighed as he pulls out a notepad and writing pen.

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