Crazy Rich Asians (FINALE)

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"Okay this is the ending part of the original movie where the funny moments came from." Joshi said while throwing a ball on the screen.

"Crazy Rich Asians, right?" Fuyumi asked as Joshi nodded.

"Aww. It's a nice movie, they actually [REDACTED]." Fuyumi looked at Joshi as she shushed her.

"No spoils here, my dear."

"Thanks for meeting me here." Deku said as Endeavor looked down at her and the other two people playing in their table.

"Don't worry about them, they're half-deaf and only speak Kokkien." Deku said as Endeavor sat down on the empty seat after receiving a pair of dice from one of the players.

"Quick note, they're actually living in Singapore." Joshi said as Momo's face lit up.

"Where all the rich Asians live?"

"Ehh..More or less."

Endeavor rolled the dice and they shuffled the mahjong pieces.

"My mother told me how to play. She told me that mahjong teaches important life skills. Negotiation, strategy, cooperation." Deku said as they shuffled the pieces on the table.

"You ask me here, I assume it is not for a mahjong lesson." Endeavor said as Deku looks at the pieces he got and placed it in the middle.

"My mother taught me too. " Endeavor said as he got the piece Deku got and now had three of the same pieces.

"Well, oof." Denki said as Jirou nudged him with her elbow to keep queit.

"Why's Midoriya a girl in most of these by the way?" Iida asked as Joshi shurgged.

"Ehh..Personality wise, he kinda acts like a girl character. Don't worry the next ones are most likely male Dekus." Joshi said as she checks a long list of Fem Dekus in her follow-up list making her sweat in nervousness

'This will take a while...'

"I know Shouto told you the truth about my mom. But you didn't like me the second I got here, why is that?" Deku asks as Endeavor focused on his pieces.

"There is a Kokkien phrase; kaki lang. It means 'our own kind of people'. And you are not our own kind." Endeavor says as Deku looks at the piece he picked.

"Cuz' I'm not rich? Because I didn't go to a British Boarding School or wasn't born into a wealthy family?" Deku asks as Endeavor shook his head.

"Wait what?" Everyone looked at Joshi who was eating some chips, making her sigh.

"Deku in this movie's born in America. Inko's Chinese, Toshinori's American. Since they're mid class, the rich people think she's poor or something." Joshi grumbled before stuffing her mouth with more chips.

"You're born American, and all they think about is their own happiness." Endeavor said as he placed down a piece on his hand

"Don't you want Shouto to be happy?" Deku asks and Endeavor rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Yeah, dad. Don't you want Shouto to be happy?" Dabi and Shouto teased Endeavor as the man just sighed while drinking his coffee.

"It's an illusion. We understand how to build things that last, something you know nothing about." Endeavor said as one of the players set down a piece in the middle

"You don't know me." Deku claims as she gets the piece and puts it in her hand.

"I know you're not what Shouto needs."

"But I do." Shouto whispered making Natsuo turn to him with teasing eyes.

"You didn't hear anything."

"Oh no, I did."

"Well he proposed to me yesterday." Deku said making Endeavor give off shock in his eyes but not his stoic expression.

"He said he'd walk away from his family and you for good." Deku said as Endeavor's eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't worry I turned him down."

"W H A T?!" Everyone explained as Deku sighed.

"I'd turn him down because I know Shouto needs his family more than me. Besides, I'm no good for him."Deku explained making everyone turn to him with a big 'OH HELL NO YOU DESERVE HIM' face.

"Hush guys, more of the explaining is here."

"Only a fool loses a winning hand." Endeavor said sighing as Deku analyzed his hand for a bit.

"There is no winning hand, you made sure of that. " Deku said placing a new piece in his hand.

"And if Shouto chose me he'd loose his family, and if he chose his family he might spend the rest of his life resenting you." Deku said removing the piece he placed and placed it back into the middle. Endeavor got the piece and placed down all his pieces as a hand that won.

"So you chose for him." Endeavor said as Deku sighed

"I'm not leaving because I'm scared or I'm because I think I'm not enough, because maybe for the first time in my life, I know I am." Deku admits as Endeavor crossed his arms.

"I just love Shouto so much. I don't want him to loose his dad again." Deku said as Endeavor's eyes laid on the floor

"So, I just wanted you to know that one day, when he marries another lucky girl who is enough for you and your playing with your grandkids when the flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping that it was because of me; a poor, raised by a single mother, low class, immigrant nobody.." Deku says before putting down her pieces as a higher winning hand before leaving with her mom who was playing mahjong in a different table.

"Well. That's a whole new level of selflessness." All Might said worriedly while Deku was wiping a bit of his tears away.

'Who let the pure boy cry.'

"Guys, I'm fine. It's just I could relate so much to what we just watched." Deku said making everyone glare at Joshi.

"What? You want me to replay Identity V for you?"

"N O !!!"

Oh Hey Look, A DekuverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora