Atropos Ropes

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"What's this?" Iida asked as Yukine yawns.

"It was Joshi's favorite game's anniversary a while back, she wanted to show this but she forgot." Yukine replied as he lazily placed the tape in the player.

"Character Death and other stuff." Todoroki flinched as Yukine looks at him.

"You're worried that he'll die. Don't worry it's obvious." Yukine replied to himself as everyone exclaimed.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SPOIL IT LIKE THAT?!?!" Yukine smiles as he claps his hands and a paper and pencil popped up on everyone's lap.

"I want you to deduce who is the killer." Yukine smiled as everyone looked at him.

"Is it long?" Momo asked as Yukine shook his head.

"No, just a one minute song." Yukines said as he leans on Aizawa's shoulder and dozes off,

"Who am I? A dream or a lie?" Izuku was seen looking into a mirror as a distressed look spread across her face.

"Living on the praises, lifted me high." Izuku opened the door to a crowd as she danced across the stage in a white dress. 

"Female Midoriyas are so pretty." Mirio complimented as Todoroki looks at him.

"Are you saying that in a romantic sense or a friendly manner??" 


"We're only friends, Todoroki-kun. And I'm too honest for my own good." Mirio said as Tamaki peeked from behind the blond.

"Too honest indeed, it scares me." Tamaki stuttered as Todoroki crosses his arms.

"Bella Donna! Bella Donna!" Todoroki was watching from the crowd, before his eyes landed on Bakugou. Momo sprayed some perfume on Kirishima, giving a thumbs up to Bakugou, who only rolled her eyes.

"Who can hear "tik-tok"." Izuku looked up at the clock that struck 12 in the evening.

"Hiding in the crystalline." Her eyes glimmered in the night as he picks up a purple bottle in the side of her bed.

"Time... Time's up. Dream---" Izuku looks at Bakugou, who had the spotlight all to herself as Izuku, supposedly acting as the main character was being replaced by the blonde. Toshinori signed a retiring paper for him and Izuku stood by the door frame and frowned.

"It's Bakugou. Deku tried to murder her but it backfired." Shigaraki immediately said as everyone looked at him.

"It's not even finished." Everyone deadpanned as Shigaraki grumbled.

"I stand by what I said."

"--Fades but I ain't born to die." Izuku opened the bottle, purple butterflies flying out of it as the scent of the bottle hit her nose.

"Now I think it's me." Momo sighed as Jirou looked at her.

"Why is that?" 

"I'm a perfumer, it shows in the start." Momo said as Jirou gaped a bit, not getting what her friend met.

"Open wide, your eyes open wide." Izuku twirled around the stage with Todoroki, laughing with him.

"Follow me, focus all shining lights in my eyes." Izuku waved as she held a bouquet of roses in her hand, before she bowed.

"Her motive here is fame, why is that?" Toshinori asked as Yukine hummed.

"It was the only thing people did back then. Fight for fame and glory." Yukine mumbled as Aizawa pet his head, before flinching at the sudden purring he received.

"Toxic eyes." She opened her eyes, showing that they were now purple and no longer green.

"Open wide, my eyes open wide." Izuku was seen running from dark shadows along the halls.

"Bella donna more and more..." Izuku was seen running up the stairs, passing Sero who was calling out to her. She stood on top of the rising podium and stood still as the shadows grew taller.

"As a throw of the dice." Izuku  suddenly tripped off the podium, reaching for the edge, only for it to grow farther and farther from her vision.

"For stage lights." Izuku closed her eyes as her body gently hits the floor, red spilling on the floor as the scene switched to the empty stage.

"For which I'm born to die." Izuku opens her now, pupil-less eyes and smiles at the camera before the lights shut off.

"She became a ghost that haunts the stages of the Golden Rose Theater, by the way." Yukine said as he wrote down the possible suspects on a board.

"So it's Momo, Bakugou, or Toshinori. Any one else?" Yukine asked as Kirishima raised his hand.


"Wait, what?!" Todoroki fumed as Kirishima hissed.

"I saw your alternate staring at my hand you hoe!" The two boy hissed at each other as Yukine just quietly placed down Todoroki.

"Now, your proof for Momo." Yukine asked, a few raising their hands.

"She's the perfumer, and the bottle was a perfume. So it's so pretty clear that it was me." Momo sighed as everyone looked at her.

'Did not expect her to claim herself to be charged as guilty...'

"Proof for Bakugou."

"Backfire." Shigaraki screamed before Dabi whacked him over the head.

"Or she wanted the spotlight all to herself and decided to end Midoriya's life so she doesn't have to suffer the emotions of being fired. Which also supports how All Might could be the killer." Dabi said as Momo beamed.

"That's what I also thought. And since he was also getting retired, he wouldn't be a prime suspect if the body was found later on." Momo said as Dabi finger gunned her.


"Insurance!" Uraraka screamed as Momo and Dabi gave a thumbs up to her.

"Good job."

"WHY ARE YOU PINNING THE BLAME ON US!?" The two blonds screamed as more proof was being pinned on the board. 

"There's a lot of evidences." Yukine deadpanned as the two blonds whined.

"Todoroki and Bakugou is a possible suspect, because love motive, kero." Tsuyu said as Tokoyami agreed.

"All three of them!" Shigaraki screamed as everyone looked at him.


"I, ummm... Have a claim." Inko said as Todoroki huffed.

"SILENCE YOU FOOLS! THE MOTHER OF THE VICTIM HAS A CLAIM!" He screamed as everyone looked at him in shock.

"Your turn, Miss Midoriya." Todoroki calmly said as the greenett giggled.

"I think it might be self-inflicted." Inko said as Yukine popped up in front of her.

"Why do you think so?" Inko shivered as she thought on it.

"Well, if you listen to the lyrics carefully. 'Time's up, dream fades but I'm not born to die.' could represent how she struggles to stay in the spotlight. So she uses Bella Donna, or Atropa Belladonna, a kind of deadly nightshade used in perfumes before. It cause people to hallucinate and place them in the state of euphoria, and could be considered a drug at that time." Inko deduced as everyone listened to her carefully.

"So the shadows that followed her could be just her hallucinations. Sero was real, but as a person would when they hallucinate, she cannot distinct fiction from reality. She trips off the rising podium and dies." Inko hitched as everyone hummed.

"But Momo still gave the perfume." Mineta blamed as everyone started bickering.

"Unfortunately, she's right." Yukine said as everyone looked at him.

"She did die in her own cost. Momo found out she was using it, but Izuku told her that she needed it for her last performance." Yukine clarified as everyone looked at him as the boy hummed.

"That's all." Everyone looked at how he was so aloof and straight-forward.

"Tch, kill-joy." Bakugou hissed as Yukine placed another VHS tape in the player before sleeping in.

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