Compensation Mimi

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"Such a meanie." Joshi suddenly said, pouting and crossing her arms like a child.

"Let me guess, you're Mimi." Aizawa asked, before getting tackled in a hug.

"Sorry Sho-kuuunn..... Alvie was being a meanie again."

"It's alright love, is Joshi there?"

"Nope. She's tying to enjoy what she has back at home. It's almost her birthday too!" Mimi said, making Aizawa smile gently.

"Well, at least she feels better now."

"As for you my fellow peeps!" Mimi gestured towards the crowd, smiling in glee.

"I will be your current hostess and compensator! Sorry for the heartbreaking angst by the way~!" Mimi apologized as some of the girls just squealed in adoration.

"It's fine, Miss Mimi." Iida insisted before Mimi barged

"Don't call me miss, please. You're making sound like I'm 30 plus." Mimi spat in disgust.

"But you are." Momo pointed out, making Mimi roll her eyes.

"Joshi may be 32, but I'm Mimi, I'm a child. There's a big difference!" Mimi said as she dug around a big blue box that could probably fit a child inside.

"Here's some compensation for them readers out there!" Mimi said, holding up a bunch of tape cases inside.

"What readers?" Shigaraki asked as Mimi looked at him in confusion

"What do you mean? I didn't say anything."

"Lies." Dabi said before Mimi just pish-poshed him.

"Whatever. Here, Midori-kuun~ Pick any you like!" Mimi said as she placed down a tray of tape cases inside.

"It's labelled by the way." Midoriya looked at Mimi again, who just smiled like an innocent child.

"Didn't Joshi have other plans, like Fantastic Beasts or Artemis Fowl?"


"Why don't we do those?" Midoriya asked as Mimi laughed nervously.

"I don't know where she placed them." Aizawa raised up he two DVDs in his hand.

"They're right here..." Aizawa deadpanned as Mimj just stared at it blankly.

"Nope, don't know where she placed them!" Mimi lied as Midoriya gave her three tape cases making her smile.

"Awww....These are my favorites!" Mimi smiled as she lines them up in a straight line, before prepping the first tape case.

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