Hunter's Moon

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"It's gonna be full moon during the first day of my exams. So here's some of the witchy things I keep under my bed." Joshi says as she tosses a familiar ball.

"Enjoy my fellow children."Joshi said as everyone looked at Deku who just looked to excited.

"Hey, look what I got!" Uraraka says holding up a small quartz in her hand.

"Ooo, that looks nice, where did you get it from?" Izuku asked as Uraraka smiled innocently.

"Oh, the fae." Izuku looked at her with terrified wide eyes as she replied.

"What's wrong with that?" Uraraka asked as Deku just froze in fear, along with Inko and Aizawa.

"You NEVER accept gifts from the fae." Deku said as he held both her shoulders.

"You are getting yourself into a life contract!" Deku said as Uraraka got cinfused.

"But they're cute little people like Tinkerbell--"

"You are one innocent child. I pity you." Aizawa sighs as Inko felt faint.

"Excuse me, um.... The fae?" Deku asks worriedly as the brunette nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, their gifts are super cute!" She exclaimed as Deku starts to sweat nervously.

"Uraraka dear." She hummed as she looks over at Deku who breathed nervously.

"How many gifts do you have? From the fae."

"Oh? I got 4, 5 if you count this. A small bird skull, 2 gems and a penny." Uraraka said as Izuku starts to stress out, before laughing sadistically.

"Why are you laughi--"


"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked as Deku sighed.

"You almost getting crushed by the 0 pointer, bird skull. Attack in UA, gem 1. You lose the Sports Festival, gem 2 and the Camp Attack, the penny." Deku enumerated as Uraraka realized what Deku meant.


"I'm raising a little witch." Aizawa screams with pride as Eri holds up a snail in her hand while Present Mic cowers away.

"Get that insect away from me.." Present Mic begged before Eri just places it on his head.


"Aww...Eri~ That's adorable." Deku cooed as she pinched her cheeks, making her laugh.

"We should go moon walking tomorrow." Eri said as Deku smiled.

"Of course, Eri. It's full moon after all." Deku laughed as the little girl laughed along.

"What's a moon walk?" Present Mic asked as Aizawa shrugged.

"Walking around in the forest in a full moon."


"Not really, just as long as you bring the necessary protection. I might be wrong, maybe they're just gonna chill on the garden."


"I found a dead beetle in front of my house." Todoroki said as Deku starts to panic.

"What did you do with it?" Deku asked as Todoroki just shrugged.

"I buried. Said that I wasn't sure what to with it, so I'm putting it where it belongs." Deku sighs as Todoroki looks at him weirdly.

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