Hazbin Hotel 1

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"FINALLY!!" Lara cried as she tossed another red ball on the screen.

"Now sleep!" Lara pointed at the kids who immediately went to sleep.

"Viewer discretion is advised because the place is hell now, GO TO HELL!"

The sounds of eerie church bells rang as a guy's voice screamed, falling on the ground. It was Mineta who touched his body all over in disbelief.

"I'm alive? I'M ALI---" He got run over by a car which stopped almost immediately after he got run over.

"Not anymore you not." Jirou chuckled as Mineta just cried at how he died in the first 5 seconds of the universe.

"Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff." A flirty cracked voice thanked as the camera pans up to see Denki combing his hair back with his hand.

"Hot stuff indeed." Shinsou winked at Denki, who began to blush while Sero was in the sidelines glaring at Shinsou.

"Yeah, yeah, listen." Denki started while lookig at his nails.

"Keep this discrete, you hear me. I can't let it get out I'm offering my services to randos in the street." Denki instructed as he fixed himself up.

"Dunce face is a hooker, I can see that." Bakugou said, before getting hit by Kirishima.

"It was a quick cash job. You got it!" Denki smiled, snapping his 4 arms at the driver of the car.

"Pfft, whatever you say slut!" It was Sero who chuckled evilly as Denki acted hurt and insulted.

"I'm not a slut!" Denki exclaimed before whimpering on his seat. Shinsou glared at Sero with the cliché 'you, me outside, I'll kill you' gestures.

"Ouch. Ooooo! Such an insult." Denki grimmed, acting very smug than before.

"Let me know when you come up with something creative sack of pulley packin' horse shit! Tell the misses I said hi, snuckem." Denki poked Sero with his extended arms as he insulted and pecked his lips before  leaving.

Sero mumbled something under his breath before driving off, in the distance glass shattering and item being run over were hear, while Denki posed in a confident manner.

The blond's eyes drew to a vending machine, which served drugs like Krunchy Krokodile, Coke and Hero-in. Denki pressed on Angeldust as a small white sack was given to Denki, which was taken by some random creepy beggar.

"So this indeed is hell." All Might sighs seeing the sight of drugs.

"Hey!" "Not yours drag show!!" The beggar said before an asteroid landed on the guy. "Oh my god!!"

"My drugs! Damnit!" Denki cursed as he looked over a floating ship that destroyed everything in its path, which was piloted by Shigaraki laughing cringely evil.

"You're even more cringe in this." Dabi chuckled as Shigaraki frowned.

"This is a more entertaining Shiggy than now." Toga giggled a fit as Shigaraki glared at any other vilain who laughed at his antics here and in there.

"Those are the cowardly sinner that dare not interfere in my territorial takeover. A wise decision, the power of my machine is unmatched!" Shigaraki boasted as he pushed on the controls.

"He's an industrialist machine maker." Momo exclaimed as Hatsume went on a rampage to get the blueprints of the vessel.

"No other demon can compete to the likes of I!" Shigaraki continued as he hissed out his ego.

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