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After we lay there and talked for a bit, we both had dozed off and we woke up to the sound of Kellin's phone vibrating on the night stand. It was his wife, Katelynne.

Kellin shook me awake. "Vic. Vic! It's Katelynne! I bet she's heard the news! What do I tell her!", he yelled

Still kinda sleepy, I rubbed my eyes and said "Tell her the truth. She'll have to get it thru her mind. She'll understand though".

"No, Vic! Here, you tell her...", he tossed me the phone and I answered it. "Hi Kate.. It's me.. Vic"

"Vic? Hi, uhmm, do you know where Kellin is? There's something that I've got to tell him", she answered.

"Uh, he's in the shower. But I'm guessing that you want to talk to him about the 'gay scandal'?", I replied

"Yeah. Have you guys heard about it? The tabloids will do anything to ruin anyone's career", she said

There was a long silence before I finally said "it's true" in a low tone.

"What?", she asked as if she couldn't understand.

"It's true Katelynne. Kel and I, we're together. We have been for quite a while now..", I told her slowly and gently.

"I don't understand...", she said quietly

"Kate.. Kel and I are a thing. Don't get me wrong. He loves you, but he just wants.. to be with me.. too", I said slowly, trying to choose my words carefully to make the message I was delivering sound better. But it didn't.


"Kate...", I started

"Put Kellin on the phone, now!", she demanded

I extended the phone towards Kellin an he nervously took it into his hand.

"Baby, I can explain...", he said in a shaky voice.

"Explain what Kel? This can't be true. Tell me that what they're saying isn't true!", she exclaimed.

He hung his head down low and stared at the floor. "I wish I could tell you that babe. But I'd be lying if I did..", his voice trailed off.

I couldn't help but feel guilt and sorrow for him. He looked so scared. So helpless and scared.

There was a long quiet wave that passed thru the room.. One filled with tension and sadness.

"So I guess this means you're leaving me", Katelynne finally spoke up.

"I... I didn't say that...", Kellin stuttered

"You didn't have to...", she said before hanging up.

He hung up the phone and suddenly threw it across the room, shattering the mirror on the wall. Then he stood up and began pacing around the room, fiercely grabbing and pulling his hair.

I shot up from the bed and ran over to him. He immediately started pushing and punching me so I pinned him up against the wall. He kept kicking and fighting, so I gave him a slap to the face where he quickly found his way back to reality.

I just stared at him. "Kellin...", is all I said. I didn't know what else to say. So I just hugged him. I put my arms around his neck and just squeezed him tight and eventually, he put his arms around my waist and did the same. When I pulled away from him, he was crying again. I wiped away his tears and pressed my lips against his and began to kiss him passionately, grabbing his hands so that our fingers intertwined with each others.

When I pulled away, I said "We'll be ok. You and me against the world, remember?"

He did a extremely fake smile and nodded his head.

When I turned around, Mike, Tony, and Jaime were all standing at the door... Just staring.

Jaime cleared his throat and said "uh, we just heard a lot of commotion going on back here and we were concerned"

"Yeah. We're fine. We just need some time alone", I answered back

"You sure bro?", my biological brother as wells as my band mate asked me

"Yeah dude. I'm sure", I said and they all turned around and left.

Kellin walked over and sat on the bed and picked up the framed picture of his daughter, Copeland, which was sitting on the nightstand.

I sat down next to him. "She's beautiful", I said. Kellin smiled. The first real smile of the day. I wanted to make that smile last so I added "just like you".

He looked at me for a moment and then looked back at Copeland.

I could see the sadness in his eyes so I said "I love you Kel. And I dont want to see you hurt like this. If you want, go back to Katelynne and be a family with her and your kid again. I won't be angry, I swear. Besides, She was your first true love. I came in between that and I shouldn't have."

I walked over to the shattered mirror and picked up his phone from the floor. I handed it to him. "Here, call her. Tell her it was all a joke. Just a dirty prank. Tell her that you love her", I said to Kellin. I felt the tears swelling on my eyes but I had to fight them so Kellin wouldn't feel sorry for me.

He took his phone and just looked at it like he was thinking about something. Then he dropped it on the floor and stood up to face me and smiled. "I love you more and you is who I want to be with.. Forever", he whispered as he leaned in to kiss me

A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now