Accidents Happen

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"Katelynne! No! Stop!", I yelled at her as she pinned me against the wall in an attempt to kiss with me.

"Kellin! You're my husband! Kiss me!", she said seductively.

"Kate.. You're drunk! You need to go upstairs and lay down", I tried to reason with her.

"Only if you promise to come with me", she sniggled.

I grabbed her arms and shoved her away from me and sprinted into the boys' bedroom. "Hey guys? Grab some pajamas and a toothbrush. I'm taking you to granny's house for the night", I said as I grabbed a suitcase from the hallway and passed it to them. I quickly helped them pack a few things before letting them go wait in the car. Kate was way too drunk and I refused to leave them with her in that condition.

I walked back into the living room and Kate jumped from around the corner, slammed me against the wall, and forcefully kissed me on the lips. I was in shock. At first, I didn't kiss back nor did I push her away.. I didn't do anything.

She sat me down on the couch and pushed me backwards so that I was lying on my back. She got on top of me a straddled me. She planted another firm kiss on my lips as she began unbuttoning my shirt. I began kissing back and my hands began to wander under her shirt and up and down her waist. She pulled her shirt over her head and took off her bra. She finished unbuttoning my shirt and laid her bare chest against mine as she kissed me again.

The sound of a little boy's voice made me snap back into reality. "K-Kellin?", Rowan's voice stuttered. "We're waiting for you".

My eyes shot open and I flipped Katelynne off of me and onto the couch. She quickly covered herself when she saw her son standing at the front door.

"So sorry, Ro", I said as I buttoned my shirt back up, grabbed Copeland in her carrier and darted from the house. I quickly secured Cope in the back seat and hoped in the driver's seat as I saw Katelynne running after me. Without putting a seatbelt on or checking the mirrors, I put the car in reverse and sped down the street. I looked back at Katelynne at the edge of her driveway.

Then there was a loud crashing sound, the screams of small children and that's all I could remember before blacking out.....



I was sitting on the couch watching Bad Girls Club when I got a phone call from Katelynne.

"Hey Kate. What's up?", I answered.

"H-Hi Vic. Th-th-there's something I've got to tell you", her voice was frail and broken. I could sense the sadness and the worry in it.

"Katelynne, are you okay?! Are the kids alright?!", I questioned frantically as I stood up and prepared myself for what she was about to tell me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's... It's", she struggled I get her words out.

"What is it Katelynne?!", I asked as my stomach began to have a sickening feeling as my mind went to Kellin.

"It's Kellin. He was in a serious car accident, Vic. He's hospitalized. You should probably get here right away", was all I heard before my phone dropped to the floor and I fell to my knees. I was holding my chest in pain, trying to muster up the strength to breathe. I heard Kate calling my name from the other end. I ended the call, stood up, grabbed my keys, and ran out of the front door.

Tony, Mike and Jaime were all playing in the soccer field. When they saw me run out the house, they sprinted over to see what was wrong.

"Dude, you alright?", Jaime asked as he stood in front of me.

A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora